I've used both MSP 5.2 and Premiere 5.1c for small Quicktime video clips, but I'm trying to work with larger clips that I captured with my Marvel G400 (~30-100MB) and when I try to view the video in the source viewer in either program and shuttle through the video slowly, the screen doesn't show the images of the video but simply black and green screens flashing back and forth. I tried scrubbing the video on the timeline, and that seems to work but there's a lot of delay (~6 seconds).... I was wondering if this is normal, or if my settings are wrong for working with the MJPEG clips.... any help would be greatly appreciated! The proper settings for Premiere and/or MSP would be quite helpful as well! Thanks in advance.
System specs:
Premiere 5.1c
MSP 5.2
Celeron 366 @ 550MHZ w/ MSI Slotkey
256MB PC-100 (2x128MB)
Matrox Marvel G400TV
Maxtor 10.0GB (7200RPM), Maxtor 27.2GB (5400RPM)
Adaptec 2940U SCSI-2 PCI Controller
SB Live! Value
Linksys EtherPCI Lan II Ethernet card
Pioneer 104S ATAPI DVD-ROM
Ricoh 7060S 6X/4X/24X CD-RW
Iomega Zip100 Ext-SCSI
Altec Lansing ACS48 Speakers
Nokia 447L 17" Monitor
Sandisk USB Imagemate
System specs:
Premiere 5.1c
MSP 5.2
Celeron 366 @ 550MHZ w/ MSI Slotkey
256MB PC-100 (2x128MB)
Matrox Marvel G400TV
Maxtor 10.0GB (7200RPM), Maxtor 27.2GB (5400RPM)
Adaptec 2940U SCSI-2 PCI Controller
SB Live! Value
Linksys EtherPCI Lan II Ethernet card
Pioneer 104S ATAPI DVD-ROM
Ricoh 7060S 6X/4X/24X CD-RW
Iomega Zip100 Ext-SCSI
Altec Lansing ACS48 Speakers
Nokia 447L 17" Monitor
Sandisk USB Imagemate