Does the G400 have a hardware triangle setup? There is this guy Atomic Skull in the video card newsgroups that keeps insisting that it doesn't.
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An actual hardware question :)
This is what the G400's chipspec.pdf say:
• Floating Point 3D Setup Engine with dynamically re-allocatable resources:
• Ultra-pipelined floating point and culling engines
• Optimized support for Direct3D and OpenGL triangles, strips, fans and vectors
It had the words "setup" and "triangle" so....
Someone tell us about this?
I think a cute movie idea would be about a parrot who is raised by eagles. It would be cute because the parrot can't seem to act like an eagle. After a while, though, to keep the movie from getting boring, maybe put in some pornography. Later, we see the happy parrot flying along, acting like an eagle. He see two parrots below and starts to attack, but it's his parents. Then, some more pornography.
[This message has been edited by tish beta2 (edited 09-23-1999).]
If you ask someone at Matrox they will definitely say yes. However the apparent less than stellar performance on internet multiplayer games or slower cpu's seem to suggest a less than ideal or partial implementation...Celeron 566@877 1.8V, 256meg generic PC-100 RAM (running at CAS2) Abit BH6, G400 16meg DH@150/200, Western Digital Expert 18gig, Ricoh mp7040A(morphed to mp7060A) Pioneer 6X DVD slot load, Motorola Cable Modem w/DEC ethernet card, Soundblaster Live Value Ver. 2, Viewsonic GT 775