I called tech support at matrox the other day unbeknowngst that there were so many bad posts about ea janes newer flight sims(usaf and fa18), and after complaining of lockups after 2-3 minutes and really bad washout on training modes i was told ,"thats really strange weve never had a call about that game,"this kinda bugged me out cause I then spent about 5 hours trying everything before checking the forum and seeing that i was definitely not alone on this,know my question is was matrox lying about this because in the posts they aare plentiful about janes games running on this new engine, or is it possible that people that post in here never call tech support and simply hope they will be heard through this forum, I just want to know cause I really want to play this game and its already been like 2 months without new bugfree drivers
system is:dell 733r b series
128 rdram
20 gb with ata 66 promise card
g 400
system is:dell 733r b series
128 rdram
20 gb with ata 66 promise card
g 400