'Waste' was created by the creator of Winamp. Yup, it was available for free on NullSoft.com, for 4 hours before it was 'squished'. It was the source code, and was downloaded one shitload of times..This has now been reworked and updated, and includes some high encryption so i hear...and so became MUTE
From ShareConnector forums:
"...here is THE NEXT THING in p2p filesharing:
Simple, Anonymous File Sharing
MUTE File Sharing is a new peer-to-peer network that provides easy search-and-download functionality while also protecting your privacy.
MUTE File Sharing compiles as a fast, native application for many platforms (no Java, no Python, etc.).
MUTE protects your privacy by avoiding direct connections with your sharing partners in the network. Most other file sharing programs use direct connections to download or upload, making your identity available to spies from the RIAA and other unscrupulous organizations.
How File Sharing Reveals Your Identity?
How the RIAA Finds People to Sue?
The Key Privacy Weakness
How MUTE Protects Your Privacy?
http://mute-net.sourceforge.net/howPrivacy.shtml "
The gentleman from Winamp decided that it was too open, and that people should be able to have their privacy. It was originally intended for groups of up to 50 machines, but a rework of the code has allowed lots more...
(edited for lots of stuff....going to bed)
From ShareConnector forums:
"...here is THE NEXT THING in p2p filesharing:
Simple, Anonymous File Sharing
MUTE File Sharing is a new peer-to-peer network that provides easy search-and-download functionality while also protecting your privacy.
MUTE File Sharing compiles as a fast, native application for many platforms (no Java, no Python, etc.).
MUTE protects your privacy by avoiding direct connections with your sharing partners in the network. Most other file sharing programs use direct connections to download or upload, making your identity available to spies from the RIAA and other unscrupulous organizations.
How File Sharing Reveals Your Identity?
How the RIAA Finds People to Sue?
The Key Privacy Weakness
How MUTE Protects Your Privacy?
http://mute-net.sourceforge.net/howPrivacy.shtml "
The gentleman from Winamp decided that it was too open, and that people should be able to have their privacy. It was originally intended for groups of up to 50 machines, but a rework of the code has allowed lots more...
(edited for lots of stuff....going to bed)