I need someon ein canada to contact Discreet and ask them some questions.. .since they dont seem to answer emails.
10 Duke Street,
Montreal, Quebec
H3C 2L7 Canada
514-393-1616 – main line
1-800-869-3504 – sales information
i need to know the folowing about their SMOKE 6 editing system
1. SOMKE 6 HD (will it also do SD)
2. if acuering HD 720p on a panasonic varicam.. how mutch sapce is needed for 10hrs of footage
3. The SGI Tezro system with SMOKE 6 how many desktop monitors and client monitors does it suport.
4. what is the cost of a Tezro system rack mount with 4 CPUs 16GB of memory, 2 monitors plus client monitor option (if more than one monitor is suported) and enugh storage for 10hrs of footage HD720p.... and what is the coast of the same system halved....
i got a price form the local peeps here but i feel that they have over over over exagerated the price..... i need as mutch info as posible about what the system is made up of... the coast and what i can do with it....
keep folowing info till very end; what will $250K get me... how much footage, prossesing speed.. realtime HD etc.. etc.... if they start to tell you about the linux based workstation overied them.. I am not intrested in that system.... intreted in Irix SGI Terzo only...
i also want to know if the storage system can duble up to be used for the 3D animation mation to dump all its final rendered files on to.. 3D system to be used is either 3DS MAX 6 or MAYA 6
intended use; to be aquiered by a TV station to post produce a scifi series.
if any one can help i would mutch apreciate it ....
10 Duke Street,
Montreal, Quebec
H3C 2L7 Canada
514-393-1616 – main line
1-800-869-3504 – sales information
i need to know the folowing about their SMOKE 6 editing system
1. SOMKE 6 HD (will it also do SD)
2. if acuering HD 720p on a panasonic varicam.. how mutch sapce is needed for 10hrs of footage
3. The SGI Tezro system with SMOKE 6 how many desktop monitors and client monitors does it suport.
4. what is the cost of a Tezro system rack mount with 4 CPUs 16GB of memory, 2 monitors plus client monitor option (if more than one monitor is suported) and enugh storage for 10hrs of footage HD720p.... and what is the coast of the same system halved....
i got a price form the local peeps here but i feel that they have over over over exagerated the price..... i need as mutch info as posible about what the system is made up of... the coast and what i can do with it....
keep folowing info till very end; what will $250K get me... how much footage, prossesing speed.. realtime HD etc.. etc.... if they start to tell you about the linux based workstation overied them.. I am not intrested in that system.... intreted in Irix SGI Terzo only...
i also want to know if the storage system can duble up to be used for the 3D animation mation to dump all its final rendered files on to.. 3D system to be used is either 3DS MAX 6 or MAYA 6
intended use; to be aquiered by a TV station to post produce a scifi series.
if any one can help i would mutch apreciate it ....