While trying to download the now famous debian Kiosk to a test machine Ghost crapped out.
We ran it again and it hung
Ran it again and hung.
Decided it was time to fdisk and format the drive and start again. My collegue forgot to boot from the floppy drive and although the ghost never finnished as such it booted perfectly.
Anyway we decided to still do the hard drive wipe incase something else sneeked in but as too how the image got on I don't know.
This time it went one without any errors at all.
We ran it again and it hung
Ran it again and hung.
Decided it was time to fdisk and format the drive and start again. My collegue forgot to boot from the floppy drive and although the ghost never finnished as such it booted perfectly.
Anyway we decided to still do the hard drive wipe incase something else sneeked in but as too how the image got on I don't know.
This time it went one without any errors at all.