Given that the DVD standard defines reference levels for the audio part of the program, there ought to be some way to normalize the audio level during the encoding process - something better than doing it by ear. For example, it should be possible for a tool to scan through a recording and locate the loudest passages, and then compare them to various example sound levels, which would let you set the overall volume prior to encoding so that the end result is a DVD whose audio volume is based on reference levels. Or a virtualDub filter that would let you pick a segment and then gives you real-time comparisons with standardized sound levels (i.e. instead of a dimensionless volume, display the signal level as "normal speech, ten feet", "shouting at 2 feet", etc, or even in dB provided there's a conversion chart that would let me relate dB to example sound levels).
Is there anything like this available?
How do other people set their audio levels for DVD recording?
Is there anything like this available?
How do other people set their audio levels for DVD recording?