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Nifty Link for NTSC TV / Monitor Settings

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  • Nifty Link for NTSC TV / Monitor Settings


    I just stumbled across a nifty little site that has information that will be useful to a “newbie’ and even a few things for the professional with regards to monitors and TV calibration. The site encompasses a whole gambit of items dealing with TV calibrations. What I found interesting was the part on how to enter into the service mode for all the various brands of TV’s. It also provides links and gives hints on settings for each brand. Most is gauged to actual TV’s and not necessarily professional monitors but it does include the standard tips used to set those and a few other things. It also has links for HDTV settings, etc. Considering that most video are only played on standard TV’s – at least the ones you have access to can be tweaked for optimum. A lot of info there and it is written in terms most should understand very easily. My advice is take a little time and read all of it - find out what is actually there and even look at a few of the links. Maybe print and build you a little reference book, etc. When you get to the site (link given below) scroll down a little ways to the “Master Index” – it will give you an idea of what’s included. Scroll to Part 5 and you’ll see info on entering service mode. Do heed the warning to copy original settings before messing with, etc. If you look at the info and include links it's kind of a "catch all" for NTSC video adjustments. Have fun.

    Link :

    David LaBorde
    Last edited by dlaborde; 5 August 2003, 02:58.