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Archiving projects....

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  • Archiving projects....

    My new video project backup procedure;

    First I put all my source files in a single folder in the RAID's root and organized into subfolders by catagory (one for avi's, images, project files, DVD WorkShop working folder etc.) from the start of the project. After the DV clips are imported to the AVI folder I save the batch capture and project files to their proper locations as well. Once the project is authored for DVD the DVD WorkShop project file gets resaved one last time to its folder.

    When every thing is done and the DVD(s) burned and tested I delete the DV clips from the AVI folder (they can be recaptured later with the batch list) and the contents of the DVD WorkShop BurnTmp folder. Next I archive the whole project folder to DVD-R or CD-R, as necessary. If there are any RGB/HuffYUV *.avi files or image sequences they get their own DVD-R or CD-R, as necessary. So does the exported DVD/SVCD/VCD MPEG.

    Now the DVD/CD's go in labeled paper wraps, the tapes get their write protect tabs set and go in their labeled cases and the whole shebang gets put into a labeled air-tight plastic container along with a silica sachet to keep things dry. GladWare 25 oz flat food storage containers are great for this and CHEAP.


    DV tapes: $2.50 each (I get 6 for $15 at Sams Club)
    DVD-R's: $0.95 each
    CD-R's: $0.30 each
    Silica sachet: $0.23
    Glad box: $0.60
    + disk envelope
    + 1x3 lable for GladWare box

    Typical project archive cost: ~ $8 - $12 USD

    Dr. Mordrid
    Last edited by Dr Mordrid; 9 August 2003, 06:10.
    Dr. Mordrid
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    I carry a gun because I can't throw a rock 1,250 fps