Cost me $109 but I sold the ATI for $70 (wicked aren't I) so it cost me $40 to upgrade. FIFA2000 is pretty but choppier than expected (may be the 5.25 drivers or VIA POS) but UTdemo ROXXdling 5.41 now at work. Going also to get BIOS 1.6 and 5.06 for win2k. 5.03 doesn't work for me in win2k, I get black screen of death. Using the NT4 drivers off the matrox disk at present, seem ok so far. Ahhh finally great pictures on my screen once more. Now if I only had the X-Gamer now instead of having to wait until next week ...
No way I'm spending over $200 on a videocard without Dual head
No way I'm spending over $200 on a videocard without Dual head