You can select Surround Resolution right in the video option. You will need to turn everything down and have to use the 106 driver if you don’t want any artifacts on the screen. The game is not stretched as you can see from the screenshots but is a little bit zoomed in. How ever in the game you can zoom in and out of the action by using the mouse wheel. You won’t get as much zoom out as if you were playing the game on one screen. You can adjust that in the s3autoexec.cfg file.
mission_camera_limits 35 10 65 -1.35 -0.75
mission_camera_softlimits 35 10 65 -1.35 -0.75
Change 65 to a higher number and you will get more zoom ... don’t go too high or you will get black patches in the game. 85 was enough for me.
Some Surround Screens
Here is a normal screenshot for comparesent
mission_camera_limits 35 10 65 -1.35 -0.75
mission_camera_softlimits 35 10 65 -1.35 -0.75
Change 65 to a higher number and you will get more zoom ... don’t go too high or you will get black patches in the game. 85 was enough for me.
Some Surround Screens
Here is a normal screenshot for comparesent