Both votes were bi-partisan.
Pew Research (independent poller) has a poll taken Oct 2-6 in the U.S. that shows the following;
Iraq either has or is close to having nukes: 86%
Saddam must be ousted and not just disarmed: 85%
Iraq was somehow involved with 9/11: 66%
All of these numbers are before the Presidents prime-time speech to the nation.
I think a lot of people both here and overseas underestimate the sea-change that occurred after 9/11. Now the only ones here that aren't foreign policy hawks are those in the political margins.
Mainstream people here are fed up with the terrorists, their supporters and the apologists who would urge inaction and endless debate in the face of terrorist acts.
I believe it was Tojo who advised the Japanese High Command that the sneak attack on Pearl Harbor had woke a sleeping tiger. Consider that tiger once again awake.
Dr. Mordrid
Pew Research (independent poller) has a poll taken Oct 2-6 in the U.S. that shows the following;
Iraq either has or is close to having nukes: 86%
Saddam must be ousted and not just disarmed: 85%
Iraq was somehow involved with 9/11: 66%
All of these numbers are before the Presidents prime-time speech to the nation.
I think a lot of people both here and overseas underestimate the sea-change that occurred after 9/11. Now the only ones here that aren't foreign policy hawks are those in the political margins.
Mainstream people here are fed up with the terrorists, their supporters and the apologists who would urge inaction and endless debate in the face of terrorist acts.
I believe it was Tojo who advised the Japanese High Command that the sneak attack on Pearl Harbor had woke a sleeping tiger. Consider that tiger once again awake.
Dr. Mordrid