Those in Europe will have to excuse us while we Americans take the WayBack Machine back to the 60's - 80's......
Remember the weekend movie hosts who late on Friday and Saturday nights regaled us with B horror flicks; people like Morgus the Magnificent, The Ghoul, Elvira, Sir Graves Ghastly, Svengoolie etc?
Well....there is a new one coming to Detroit area TV: Wolfman Mac's "Nightmare SINema"
WM will be a locally produced program on channel 20 Friday nights at 1 a.m.
I sure hope it's stupid-good enough so that Erik can get the same kind of joy out of it I got out of Morgus & The Ghoul when I was young
L to R: Creepy Clyde (does the animations), Wolfman Mac and Morbid Melvin (resident nutball)
Remember the weekend movie hosts who late on Friday and Saturday nights regaled us with B horror flicks; people like Morgus the Magnificent, The Ghoul, Elvira, Sir Graves Ghastly, Svengoolie etc?
Well....there is a new one coming to Detroit area TV: Wolfman Mac's "Nightmare SINema"
WM will be a locally produced program on channel 20 Friday nights at 1 a.m.
I sure hope it's stupid-good enough so that Erik can get the same kind of joy out of it I got out of Morgus & The Ghoul when I was young
L to R: Creepy Clyde (does the animations), Wolfman Mac and Morbid Melvin (resident nutball)