Falcon Heavy's first DoD flight will be a doozy - multiple satellites to different altitudes and different inclinations (angles.) I read thos as up to 21 satellites in one launch.
(IPS= Integrated Payload Stack)
(IPS= Integrated Payload Stack)
The IPS consists of two co-prime space vehicles (SVs), up to six auxiliary payloads (APLs) (minimum of two APLs), up to eight separate Poly-PicoSatellite Orbital Deployers (P-PODs) (TBD cubesats), and LSC-provided ballast. The two co-prime SVs are Constellation Observing System for Meteorology, Ionosphere, and Climate-2 (COSMIC-2) built by the Taiwanese and the Demonstration and Science Experiments (DSX). COSMIC-2 is a set of six identical satellites with a deployment structure. DSX uses an EELV Secondary Payload Adapter (ESPA) for its primary structure, which hosts an avionics and payload module on opposing ports. The mission trajectory is designed to meet the requirements of multiple experiments with payload deployments in LEO and MEO orbits. The contractor shall treat the COSMIC-2 stack with its integrated payloads as a single spacecraft.....
Insertion Orbit #1
Deliver the IPS to a circular orbit with an orbital altitude of 720 km and an orbital inclination of 24°. Deploy only the COSMIC-2 payload set, up to six APLs (TBR), and actuate up to eight P-PODs (TBR).
Insertion Orbit #2
Deliver the IPS (with remaining payloads) to the elliptical orbit with a perigee of 6,000 km, apogee of 12,000 km, and an orbital inclination of 45°. Deploy the DSX payload followed by remaining APLs and actuate remaining P-PODs. After deployment of these payloads, the LV shall enter a coast phase of [3 hours threshold, 5 hours objective]. After the coast phase, the LV shall execute an upper stage restart with a minimum duration of 5 seconds (TBR).
The IPS consists of two co-prime space vehicles (SVs), up to six auxiliary payloads (APLs) (minimum of two APLs), up to eight separate Poly-PicoSatellite Orbital Deployers (P-PODs) (TBD cubesats), and LSC-provided ballast. The two co-prime SVs are Constellation Observing System for Meteorology, Ionosphere, and Climate-2 (COSMIC-2) built by the Taiwanese and the Demonstration and Science Experiments (DSX). COSMIC-2 is a set of six identical satellites with a deployment structure. DSX uses an EELV Secondary Payload Adapter (ESPA) for its primary structure, which hosts an avionics and payload module on opposing ports. The mission trajectory is designed to meet the requirements of multiple experiments with payload deployments in LEO and MEO orbits. The contractor shall treat the COSMIC-2 stack with its integrated payloads as a single spacecraft.....
Insertion Orbit #1
Deliver the IPS to a circular orbit with an orbital altitude of 720 km and an orbital inclination of 24°. Deploy only the COSMIC-2 payload set, up to six APLs (TBR), and actuate up to eight P-PODs (TBR).
Insertion Orbit #2
Deliver the IPS (with remaining payloads) to the elliptical orbit with a perigee of 6,000 km, apogee of 12,000 km, and an orbital inclination of 45°. Deploy the DSX payload followed by remaining APLs and actuate remaining P-PODs. After deployment of these payloads, the LV shall enter a coast phase of [3 hours threshold, 5 hours objective]. After the coast phase, the LV shall execute an upper stage restart with a minimum duration of 5 seconds (TBR).