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WTF :2019-nCoV NovaCoronaVirus Thread

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  • Omicron symptom changes - looks like it's milder and more virulent than delta

    From John Campbell. He's a retired British heal professional and has been following corona since the start. I followed his videos early 2020 when virus was spreading from China.

    Key points based on South Africa data
    - Omicron displaced delta, most of hospitalized now omicron
    - Symptoms mild, less people seek medical care (body ache, tiredness)
    - Omicron has replaced delta within a month, milder disease, 96% cases now Omicron
    - A lot of community prevalence
    - Some research suggests that omicron has taken on mutations from common cold corona viruses
    - Most hospitalized for other reasons and only tested positive. Less hospitalizations, less need for oxygenisation.
    - Pfizer says "3 doses are enough but two should still offer protection" and they are working on Omicron vaccine

    Not in video
    In UK in 2 weeks one person has died with omicron.

    BioNTech stock up 694% in 2 years, but down from peak of 1099%

    BioNTech SE (BNTX)
    chart on Yahoo Finance
    Last edited by UtwigMU; 14 December 2021, 14:08.


    • In other news: vaxxed need negative test to enter Italy, nonvaxxed need 5-day quarantine (there used to be exception for people near border to be allowed to travel 60km within with less restrictions, will see if it's still applicable). I live walking distance from Italy but I've been there only once this year. I have some family in Italy.

      Italy has a pickup in cases while we are down to mid October levels. Seems Italy will cases will cross ours in around two weeks.
      Italy is 76% adult vaxxed and no self testing at work (only pharmacies, many Italians come to test across the border since it's cheaper here, free for us citizens, 7 EUR for Italians). Need to have green pass for everything in Italy, masks outside mandate. Here green pas for everything but groceries and pharmacies, masks only inside.
      Last edited by UtwigMU; 14 December 2021, 15:24.


      • Ontario data for myocarditis depending on vax combinations in men 18-24 ranging from 1 in 20.000 (Pfizer-Pfizer), 1 in 3000 for Moderna-Moderna to 1 in 1200 for Pfizer-Moderna combo.

        What do you guys think of moral implications of mandating vaccine with non-innocent side effects to children and young adults in order to allegedly prevent 70 year olds from being hospitalized and 80 year olds from dying half a year earlier than they would have died of other causes.

        Also saw some Israeli post: In age group 20-29 they need to vaccinate 100.000 people to prevent critical case. 3 doses cost 2M USD from Pfizer. For 2M USD you can afford ICU for one case.
        Last edited by UtwigMU; 14 December 2021, 16:22.


        • Post mRNA-vaccination endocarditis usually shows up 2-3 days after injection 2 and responds well to NSAIDS, Colchicine and steroids.
          Dr. Mordrid
          An elephant is a mouse built to government specifications.

          I carry a gun because I can't throw a rock 1,250 fps


          • Had a conversation today with someone who works in a hospital, who told me that the statistics for 'vaccinated in ICU with Covid19' are heavily skewed; apparently a sizeable fraction of the ICU patients admit (and regret) to having bought (real) vaccination certificates without getting the jab. Unfortunately the certificate system doesn't seem as trustworthy as it should be.
            Last edited by dZeus; 18 December 2021, 11:16.


            • Well, in NL we're going into lockdown for about 4 weeks due to Omicron. No musea, shopping, bars, restaurants. Max two persons close outside (unless form same household), barbers, beauty salons etc. All closed.

              This may be the most pro-active we've been sofar. I get the impression our CDC is really worried about Omicron.
              Join MURCs Distributed Computing effort for Rosetta@Home and help fight Alzheimers, Cancer, Mad Cow disease and rising oil prices.
              [...]the pervading principle and abiding test of good breeding is the requirement of a substantial and patent waste of time. - Veblen


              • Originally posted by Umfriend View Post
                Well, in NL we're going into lockdown for about 4 weeks due to Omicron. No musea, shopping, bars, restaurants. Max two persons close outside (unless form same household), barbers, beauty salons etc. All closed.

                This may be the most pro-active we've been sofar. I get the impression our CDC is really worried about Omicron.
                Good luck!

                I'm guessing we'll be in a similar predicament in about 1-2 weeks.


                • Here everyone (not per household, per resident) got a letter from PM on Saturday to get vaxxed or boosted. A few million of taxpayers' money wasted.

                  In NL population born before 1970 is 87% or more fully vaxxed. (Only born prior to 1931 are only 85% fully vaxxed). Zoomers are "only" 65% vaxxed.
                  Before or at the start of Covid heard immunity was said to have been reached once 70% of population are immune.

                  RIVM publishes a weekly update with the figures on the COVID-19 vaccination programme in the Netherlands. The overview includes the vaccination figures for first and second vaccinations, vaccination coverage for the basic series, number of booster vaccinations and vaccination coverage for the booster vaccination.

                  Austria closed border: Vaxxed and recovered can enter with PCR test. Unvaxxed need 10-day quarantine (can end after 5 days with negative test). Despite their cases being on decline and them recently having had a lockdown.

                  Big protest in London yesterday nowhere mentioned on BBC front page.
                  Last edited by UtwigMU; 18 December 2021, 17:46.


                  • Originally posted by UtwigMU View Post
                    In NL population born before 1970 is 87% or more fully vaxxed. (Only born prior to 1931 are only 85% fully vaxxed). Zoomers are "only" 65% vaxxed.
                    Before or at the start of Covid heard immunity was said to have been reached once 70% of population are immune.
                    Join MURCs Distributed Computing effort for Rosetta@Home and help fight Alzheimers, Cancer, Mad Cow disease and rising oil prices.
                    [...]the pervading principle and abiding test of good breeding is the requirement of a substantial and patent waste of time. - Veblen


                    • This time last year governments were telling us if get vaxxed we will return to normal if you haven't forgotten.

                      How do you find provisional government issuing edicts that limit people's basic rights to work and associate?


                      • Originally posted by UtwigMU View Post
                        This time last year governments were telling us if get vaxxed we will return to normal if you haven't forgotten.
                        I have not forgotten. Have you realised that we don't exactly have the same virus now? Have you noticed that that estimate for herd immunity was (a) an estimate and (b) heavily depended on the infectiousness of whatever variant/virus is prevalent? What's the implied meaning here? Incompetence (or not being omniscient)? Malice?

                        How do you find provisional government issuing edicts that limit people's basic rights to work and associate?
                        You mean in NL? I am perfectly fine with that. God forbid they wouldn't do anything. Mind you, they still need agreement from the house of representatives which has been seated anew after the most recent election so we're good.
                        Join MURCs Distributed Computing effort for Rosetta@Home and help fight Alzheimers, Cancer, Mad Cow disease and rising oil prices.
                        [...]the pervading principle and abiding test of good breeding is the requirement of a substantial and patent waste of time. - Veblen


                        • Joe Rogan interview with Dr. Peter A. McCullough
                          - worked on early treatment
                          - at first went with what showed benefits and caused no harm
                          - treatment with hidroxychloroquine
                          - compared notes with Italians and others
                          - hospital treatment is too late as by the time virus replicates there is inflamation and micro blod clots in the lungs
                          - treatment needs to be multi-drug as there are many areas where virus hits
                          - FDA shot down all early treatment protocols, it was decided to use vaccine only
                          - alternative treatments which used to be off-the shelf drugs made prescription only
                          - testified under oath to congress that 85% deaths could have been prevented with early treatment
                          - comprehensive suppression of early treatment in order to promote fear, deaths, hospitalizations and get public prepared for mass vaccination
                          - mass psychosis, solution offered by authority worldwide: take vaccine, no matter which of the covid vaccines
                          - vaccine protection against progressing to ventilator 59% among hospitalized with covid
                          - mortality rate among people vaccinated, hospitalized with covid 6.3%, hospitalized unvaccinated 8.6%
                          - covid morality reduction above 65 due to vaccine 1.5%
                          - delta resistant to vaccine
                          - survival among veterans above 65 who took vaccine 87%, nonvaccinated 78%
                          - normally at 50 deaths medicine gets taken off the market for review, covid vaccines 1200 deaths in first 3 months
                          - vaers report (CDC verified data): 18.000 deaths, 30.000 permanently disabled (vaccine, not covid)
                          - 50% of vax deaths occur within 48h of the shoot, 80% within a week
                          - normal rate of myocarditis in children, teens 4 per 1M in Finland pre covid. USA would have normal rate of 280 cases should be no more than 600, current cases 13.000 (70M children in USA)
                          - after vax spike protein lasts in body 12-15 months, spike protein is harmful to cardiovascular system, body
                          - 39% of covid transmissions occur from vaccinated to vaccinated
                          Last edited by UtwigMU; 19 December 2021, 17:03.


                          • Originally posted by Umfriend View Post
                            Have you realised that we don't exactly have the same virus now? Have you noticed that that estimate for herd immunity was (a) an estimate and (b) heavily depended on the infectiousness of whatever variant/virus is prevalent? What's the implied meaning here? Incompetence (or not being omniscient)? Malice?
                            It's a different virus. Do you think procedures that haven't worked with first virus are a) more likely or b) unlikely to work on the new strain?

                            The lockdowns could only be justified at start and when we didn't know how affected health systems will be and how many doctors and nurses will get sick in the process. We can all clearly see that vaccines do not stop spread, hospitalizations and deaths. Europe is the most vaccinated continent and we have most cases.

                            By occham's razor politicians are usually incompetent and go for what makes them appear like they are doing something in the short term. But after 2 years still pushing for lockdowns which psychologically harm people, harm businesses, harm children (someone I know is a family court judge - she said there is lots of domestic violence) and promoting vaccines as the only solution I'm starting to lean towards malice.

                            Also entire world doing the same thing instead of trying different solutions and copying what works elsewhere seems strange. Only countries thinking differently are Belarus, North Korea and to an extent India and Japan.

                            And I'm afraid this shit is not temporary. We're 20 years past 9/11. No powers given to authorities right after have been repealed. When you go to airport they still throw your water and liquids away, etc...
                            Last edited by UtwigMU; 19 December 2021, 15:14.


                            • Originally posted by UtwigMU View Post

                              Joe Rogan interview with Dr. Peter A. McCullough
                              Just wondering, have you googled for McCullough to see what others are saying?

                              Now I have not listened to it so I need to go by your summary. When I read "vaccine protection against progressing to ventilator 59% among hospitalized with covid", I wonder, isn't that a biased statistic or at the least one that is incomplete? It implies you're better off being vaccinated if hospitalized but more importantly, it leaves out the question of how well vaccines protect against hospitalization itself. I am pretty sure 100% of vaccinated that died to Covid died to Covid so, apparently, vaccine protection is 0% among vaccinated who died due to Covid.

                              Also, the VAERS data is not "CDC verified" in the sense that CDC varifies whether the side effects are actually due to the vaccine. And I find that that data is hard to interpret prima facie. CDC reports 1,908 VAERS reports of Myocarditis for the 12-29 years age bracket as of December 8th, 2021 (not 13,000) and 10,483 deaths for all ages (and that number includes any VAERS report).
                              Join MURCs Distributed Computing effort for Rosetta@Home and help fight Alzheimers, Cancer, Mad Cow disease and rising oil prices.
                              [...]the pervading principle and abiding test of good breeding is the requirement of a substantial and patent waste of time. - Veblen


                              • Originally posted by UtwigMU View Post
                                It's a different virus. Do you think procedures that haven't worked with first virus are a) more likely or b) unlikely to work on the new strain?
                                Haven't worked? By what standard? It seems pretty clear to me that distancing, air-conditioning, masks and vaccines have prevented a lot of death.
                                The lockdowns could only be justified at start and when we didn't know how affected health systems will be and how many doctors and nurses will get sick in the process. We can all clearly see that vaccines do not stop spread, hospitalizations and deaths. Europe is the most vaccinated continent and we have most cases.
                                Stop? As in completely? Clearly not. Diminish? Yes, to a large degree up to and including Delta.
                                By occham's razor politicians are usually incompetent and go for what makes them appear like they are doing something in the short term. But after 2 years still pushing for lockdowns which psychologically harm people, harm businesses, harm children (someone I know is a family court judge - she said there is lots of domestic violence) and promoting vaccines as the only solution I'm starting to lean towards malice.
                                So governments are incompetent as they're not perfect. However, what is the better alternative? Everybody knows that the current situation is bad but what I cannot understand is by what reasoning it would be better if we opened up everything and we would suffer millions of additional deaths.

                                Also entire world doing the same thing instead of trying different solutions and copying what works elsewhere seems strange. Only countries thinking differently are Belarus, North Korea and to an extent India and Japan.
                                Well, there are China, New-Zealand and Australia.

                                And I'm afraid this shit is not temporary. We're 20 years past 9/11. No powers given to authorities right after have been repealed. When you go to airport they still throw your water and liquids away, etc...
                                Join MURCs Distributed Computing effort for Rosetta@Home and help fight Alzheimers, Cancer, Mad Cow disease and rising oil prices.
                                [...]the pervading principle and abiding test of good breeding is the requirement of a substantial and patent waste of time. - Veblen

