Falcon Heavy now has 5 launches manifested for 2022
All dates "adjustable" except the probe to the metal asteroid Psyche, which is targeting a launch window.
1) USSF-44 (US Space Force; Q1, 2022)
2) USSF-52 (US Space Force; NET Q2, 2022)
3) Psyche (NASA; August, 2022)
4) ViaSat-3 (ViaSat; Q2, 2022)
5) USSF-67 (US Space Force; H2, 2022)
All dates "adjustable" except the probe to the metal asteroid Psyche, which is targeting a launch window.
1) USSF-44 (US Space Force; Q1, 2022)
2) USSF-52 (US Space Force; NET Q2, 2022)
3) Psyche (NASA; August, 2022)
4) ViaSat-3 (ViaSat; Q2, 2022)
5) USSF-67 (US Space Force; H2, 2022)