I used Synaptic along with apt from freshrpms while I was still at school, it was nice to be able to see what packages were available and pick and choose, eventually I ended up installing everything at the repositiories I was using (freshrpms, jpackage, and gstreamer) so it was easier to just use apt-get update; apt-get upgrade. It worked fairly well, but there were a few things I didn't like about apt on an RPM system (I remember from my brief use of debian that it integrates a bit better to the packaging system and they aren't so much a problem). Mainly it was the minute or two or three pause where it was building the package list, and it also seemed to be really good at triggering the bug where an RPM transaction would lock up.
Second that on your desktop leech, what Gtk theme is that? I like it a lot, nice and clean, but without a bunch of rough edges.
Thanks, I hope it wasn't too hard to follow, I tend to understand things in a weird way and thus explain them strangely too. If you've got any other questions about little nags like that feel free to PM me or post in Alt. Lifestlyes.
kooldino said this
leech - that's pretty badass. I like your desktop too.
leech - that's pretty badass. I like your desktop too.
and this
Wow, thanks for the lesson, mallowman!
Wow, thanks for the lesson, mallowman!