I admin a bunch of OS X Macs for a library computer lab, and I'm in the process of setting up X11. My question is to which window manager I should have it default out of this list: http://fink.sourceforge.net/pdb/section.php/x11-wm .
I use Blackbox on my workstation, but would like opinions on which lightweight, easy to use wm you'd guys put on. Apple's default is to use twm. Very rarely does anyone use X11. I think those who do want to ssh into a different server w/ forwarding. In any case I'd like to make it appealing to those who happen to try it out.
I use Blackbox on my workstation, but would like opinions on which lightweight, easy to use wm you'd guys put on. Apple's default is to use twm. Very rarely does anyone use X11. I think those who do want to ssh into a different server w/ forwarding. In any case I'd like to make it appealing to those who happen to try it out.