Since Linux is simple here is the system log for the xfree server. I had to attach it as it's too long.
ATI say dri/drm are not compatable with the ATI drivers and may prevent the ATI modules from being found or searched. These files are not needed. This is due to a poor implememtation of the xfree kernal.
Solution don't compile these devices into the kernal or load the ATI modules manually prior to laoding xServer.
Sadly it doesn't tell you how to do either of these things.
I suppose they're referring to recompling the LInux kernal.
ATI say dri/drm are not compatable with the ATI drivers and may prevent the ATI modules from being found or searched. These files are not needed. This is due to a poor implememtation of the xfree kernal.
Solution don't compile these devices into the kernal or load the ATI modules manually prior to laoding xServer.
Sadly it doesn't tell you how to do either of these things.
I suppose they're referring to recompling the LInux kernal.