After using WinXP and OS X at work as my only computers for the past 8 months. I was incredibly happy to get back to using Linux and actually being able to configure my desktop (being able to move the dock/taskbar and changing between two looks is not configuration).
When my computer originally went down I was running GNOME 2.6. 2.10 has been slick. Nice fixes and additions.
So here's my desktop:
No more taskbar type thing, I use only the Window Selector icon that is next to the Workspace Switcher.
Background is a cool wallpaper for my favorite band.
The RSS feeds are running on GDesklets.
I wish they'd make spacers a default option for the panels. I improvise by adding whitespace, but dividers would be visually easier to manage.
My theme's are Smooth-Tangerine-Dream controls, AluminumAlloy-Volcanic window borders and Gartoon icons
Some side notes. The file dialog box rocks. Way better than any other OS IMO. Also the spatial navigation works pretty well especially with visual feedback to which child folders are already open. Oh and take notice OS X Finder developers -- look the icon spacings aren't annoyingly outrageous.
When my computer originally went down I was running GNOME 2.6. 2.10 has been slick. Nice fixes and additions.
So here's my desktop:
No more taskbar type thing, I use only the Window Selector icon that is next to the Workspace Switcher.
Background is a cool wallpaper for my favorite band.
The RSS feeds are running on GDesklets.
I wish they'd make spacers a default option for the panels. I improvise by adding whitespace, but dividers would be visually easier to manage.
My theme's are Smooth-Tangerine-Dream controls, AluminumAlloy-Volcanic window borders and Gartoon icons
Some side notes. The file dialog box rocks. Way better than any other OS IMO. Also the spatial navigation works pretty well especially with visual feedback to which child folders are already open. Oh and take notice OS X Finder developers -- look the icon spacings aren't annoyingly outrageous.