For some reason probably urked by posts from people who don't know better I decided to have a brief laugh updating Suse 10.1 a little bit.
I pondered about using Kcontruct to download a later version of KDE but then decided to look at yast and see what that had to say on the matter. Yup a later version there. 800+ meg. That should keep my broadband busy for a bit and have UKonline, my ISP looking at their undefined fup policy.
Not a bit of it fast connection over in a few minutes. Now that was easy. Of course it may not have done anything cos I haven't checked the build number but I believe it's done the update.
Next firefox now last time I did that that was easy. Download the latest version looked for the install script. There was only one that looked like the villian and it was excutable. Opened a terminal window su etc nope it wouldn't run. Okay the readme said go to mozilla for instructions. Problem is that there isn't any. Fantastic.
Okay method two find the rpm. Did that and up pops "you need firefox" for this too install. It's installed you stupid bugger.
A bit more messing around and a few more missing dependances popped up. Okay method 3. Lets add a new repositry in Yast. Easier said than done since it isn't clear what syntax you need and won't let you look at a previous one you put in some time back. It's also dam slow in processing the request for some reason.
That worked and I also installed thunderbird while I was at it.
Next I decided to update Openoffice. Searched for the command to remove the damn program but couldn't find it on Google. Why did I look for it. Well becuase using the supplied uninstaller from Suse doesn't work. Anyway since I couldn't find it I gave it go. Open office removed. Okay.
Downloaded the software via Yast. Wouldn't install due a missing dependancy. Could I find it nope. Downloaded the whole lot from Openoffice org installed it and then went to install the menu link. This conflicts with Openoffice 2.04. Sure enough the software package had failed to uninstall Openoffice. Well I only need the menu link so I uninstalled Openoffice menu link. Good that gone. Installed the new version and bingo no menu link. Uninstalled it and tried again. Sorry it's already installed. Grrrrrrrrrrr. Time for a break.
Now this farce took all afternoon bar a brief break to have a chat with a friend. A least cups works on Suse.
Under Windows you know that spyware Virus ridden difficult to use XP it would have taken about ten minutes including download time.
Thats only the software side the hardware side if it doesn't work can take months to fix.
I pondered about using Kcontruct to download a later version of KDE but then decided to look at yast and see what that had to say on the matter. Yup a later version there. 800+ meg. That should keep my broadband busy for a bit and have UKonline, my ISP looking at their undefined fup policy.
Not a bit of it fast connection over in a few minutes. Now that was easy. Of course it may not have done anything cos I haven't checked the build number but I believe it's done the update.
Next firefox now last time I did that that was easy. Download the latest version looked for the install script. There was only one that looked like the villian and it was excutable. Opened a terminal window su etc nope it wouldn't run. Okay the readme said go to mozilla for instructions. Problem is that there isn't any. Fantastic.
Okay method two find the rpm. Did that and up pops "you need firefox" for this too install. It's installed you stupid bugger.
A bit more messing around and a few more missing dependances popped up. Okay method 3. Lets add a new repositry in Yast. Easier said than done since it isn't clear what syntax you need and won't let you look at a previous one you put in some time back. It's also dam slow in processing the request for some reason.
That worked and I also installed thunderbird while I was at it.
Next I decided to update Openoffice. Searched for the command to remove the damn program but couldn't find it on Google. Why did I look for it. Well becuase using the supplied uninstaller from Suse doesn't work. Anyway since I couldn't find it I gave it go. Open office removed. Okay.
Downloaded the software via Yast. Wouldn't install due a missing dependancy. Could I find it nope. Downloaded the whole lot from Openoffice org installed it and then went to install the menu link. This conflicts with Openoffice 2.04. Sure enough the software package had failed to uninstall Openoffice. Well I only need the menu link so I uninstalled Openoffice menu link. Good that gone. Installed the new version and bingo no menu link. Uninstalled it and tried again. Sorry it's already installed. Grrrrrrrrrrr. Time for a break.
Now this farce took all afternoon bar a brief break to have a chat with a friend. A least cups works on Suse.
Under Windows you know that spyware Virus ridden difficult to use XP it would have taken about ten minutes including download time.
Thats only the software side the hardware side if it doesn't work can take months to fix.