I'm taking a RedHat 124 course (introductory) this week, where you learn stuff like Nautilus, Gnome, getting help, adding printers, basic bash commands, partitioning... The point is I'm supposed to teach it next month.
Even if I and most others on the course know the basics i learned a few neat thing about bash like:
CTRL+R to search history,
history, !932 (executes command with ID 932 in history)
bg, fg
If you start gui program from bash, you can suspend it with CTRL-Z and then tell it to go in background with bg and regain shell.
Even if I and most others on the course know the basics i learned a few neat thing about bash like:
CTRL+R to search history,
history, !932 (executes command with ID 932 in history)
bg, fg
If you start gui program from bash, you can suspend it with CTRL-Z and then tell it to go in background with bg and regain shell.