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KDE bug/feature...

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  • KDE bug/feature...

    Just a heads up...
    When you delete files from a removable usb disk in Dolphin (KDE), the files are moved to a hidden .Trash folder on that usb disk. So you do not win the space unless you empty the trash bin.

    I've had huge issues with this last weekend, as the system did not allow me to empty the trash folder. It claimed it was read only. I could not get access to it from linux, so ended up putting the usb memory in a windows box, where it turned out that the filesystem got corrupted.

    We wanted to install Kubutu for my girlfriend's parents computer, but the removable disk behavior will get confusing for them. For now, we changed that delete works as shift+delete (not to trash bin), but this means it is like that for all disks (also not ideal).

    Currently looking for a better solution....

    Dream as if you'll live forever. Live as if you'll die tomorrow. (James Dean)

  • #2
    rm -rf /run/user/media/* or wherever it is mounted?

    mkfs.ext4 /dev/sdh1

    or to fisk

    fsck /dev/sdh1 (where sdh1 is your usb drive - I'm sure there must be a gui way in KDE to do it - sorry I'm all CLI now have exam this week).
    Last edited by UtwigMU; 21 March 2016, 10:15.


    • #3
      What I meant to say is FAT whatever sucks as FS as it lacks journaling and it ancient. All more modern filesystems such as ext3/ext4/xfs or NTFS of HPFS+ are better. I would recommend NTFS as all windows boxes can read it and also apple and linux boxes can read and write it. (you may need to install driver occasionally on some).


      • #4
        It is an mp3 player, it needs to be fat.

        The rm -rf gave the write protect message. Most likely caused by the damaged file system. I solved it in windows. But just wanted to give a heads-up.

        Good luck with the exams.
        Dream as if you'll live forever. Live as if you'll die tomorrow. (James Dean)


        • #5
          Did you solve GT6600 issue?


          • #6
            It runs Linux Mint, so it is fine for now. It will just be more difficult to upgrade it, so I would like to install a linux that can upgrade without requiring a reinstall. But currently it has Mint 17.2, so still OK for now. First make sure the one with KDE is well configured and usable by my friend's parents, before I will mess with the other one.

            I would love to try ElementaryOS, as it looks nice. But it suffers the same upgrade limitation as Linux Mint...
            Dream as if you'll live forever. Live as if you'll die tomorrow. (James Dean)

