Benchmarks using Sharkmark that came with the Parhelia. Board is a stock retail Parhelia (no extra cooling) running on a ASUS A7S333, XP2000+ and 512MB PC2100. Driver is the latest release version running on Windows XP Pro. The Sharkmark scores are defined as VertexFPS.
The 2 blocks of numbers represent memory and core speeds. According to Matrox the retail board is 275Mhz/220Mhz whereas the bulk offering is 250MHz/200Mhz. At a core speed of 260 Sharkmark crashes locking up the system, guess a little extra cooling may help there.
275 220 = 164.609
275 230 = 170.386
275 240 = 175.951
275 250 = 181.161
275 260 =
275 220 = 164.599
285 220 = 165.873
285 230 = 171.793
285 240 = 177.454
285 250 = 182.777
285 260 =
275 220 = 164.625
295 220 = 166.893
295 230 = 172.974
295 240 = 178.685
295 250 = 184.180
295 260 =
275 220 = 164.599
305 220 = 168.026
305 230 = 174.173
305 240 = 179.976
305 250 = 185.558
305 260 =
275 220 = 164.614
310 220 = 168.529
310 230 = 174.678
310 240 = 180.321
310 250 = 186.171
310 260 =
The 2 blocks of numbers represent memory and core speeds. According to Matrox the retail board is 275Mhz/220Mhz whereas the bulk offering is 250MHz/200Mhz. At a core speed of 260 Sharkmark crashes locking up the system, guess a little extra cooling may help there.
275 220 = 164.609
275 230 = 170.386
275 240 = 175.951
275 250 = 181.161
275 260 =
275 220 = 164.599
285 220 = 165.873
285 230 = 171.793
285 240 = 177.454
285 250 = 182.777
285 260 =
275 220 = 164.625
295 220 = 166.893
295 230 = 172.974
295 240 = 178.685
295 250 = 184.180
295 260 =
275 220 = 164.599
305 220 = 168.026
305 230 = 174.173
305 240 = 179.976
305 250 = 185.558
305 260 =
275 220 = 164.614
310 220 = 168.529
310 230 = 174.678
310 240 = 180.321
310 250 = 186.171
310 260 =