With and Without PhysX if possible... 
Sparks and cloth.

Look at feet of the Batman. Paper moves


There's a 60fps limit it seems, but its almost always at 60.
No noticeable lags with PhysX on High.
Can't seem to switch it off now tho (It did ask me once before running for the 1st time)...get 10-17fps when I switch off PhysX in the Nv Drivers...
edit : No Adaptive AA since its a 4870 rendering....
edit2 : Haven't found any cloth yet...
edit 3 : they could have hidden the console port source a bit better..."Do this to smite opponents!!" "Spacebar", and again, oh god I wish the next Stalker would come out....
edit4: in case of Sig Change, ATi 4870 1Gb @850/3600 and a Nvidia 8800GTS-320Mb @ 600/1500/1700 for PhysX, both Bios flashed to those values in Win7-64bit RC
edit5 : Discovered Thumbnails...

Sparks and cloth.

Look at feet of the Batman. Paper moves


There's a 60fps limit it seems, but its almost always at 60.
No noticeable lags with PhysX on High.
Can't seem to switch it off now tho (It did ask me once before running for the 1st time)...get 10-17fps when I switch off PhysX in the Nv Drivers...
edit : No Adaptive AA since its a 4870 rendering....
edit2 : Haven't found any cloth yet...
edit 3 : they could have hidden the console port source a bit better..."Do this to smite opponents!!" "Spacebar", and again, oh god I wish the next Stalker would come out....
edit4: in case of Sig Change, ATi 4870 1Gb @850/3600 and a Nvidia 8800GTS-320Mb @ 600/1500/1700 for PhysX, both Bios flashed to those values in Win7-64bit RC
edit5 : Discovered Thumbnails...
