I found a solution of a common problem:
How to remove unwanted areas with distorted pixels near the border of frame?
This works under Premiere 4.2.
1. Place clip on the timeline.
2. Apply Motion. In Motion settings dialog, center the image on screen.
3. Increase the frame size by 5-10%. Distorted lines go outside the visible area. Note, Premiere can preserve the fields, and field order in Motion filter.
4. Make virtual clip.
5. Insert virtual clip into your project. The virtual clip will have clean borders in all effects that are sensitive to distortions.
I don't know how to do this in MSPRO. However, you can try to simulate the operations.
If MSPRO supports anything like Filter Factory and Transition Factory effects, see my paper
<a href="http://www.geocities.com/ResearchTriangle/Forum/1022/papers/50FPS.html">here</a> for another possible solution.
[This message has been edited by Grigory (edited 19 October 1999).]
I found a solution of a common problem:
How to remove unwanted areas with distorted pixels near the border of frame?
This works under Premiere 4.2.
1. Place clip on the timeline.
2. Apply Motion. In Motion settings dialog, center the image on screen.
3. Increase the frame size by 5-10%. Distorted lines go outside the visible area. Note, Premiere can preserve the fields, and field order in Motion filter.
4. Make virtual clip.
5. Insert virtual clip into your project. The virtual clip will have clean borders in all effects that are sensitive to distortions.
I don't know how to do this in MSPRO. However, you can try to simulate the operations.
If MSPRO supports anything like Filter Factory and Transition Factory effects, see my paper
<a href="http://www.geocities.com/ResearchTriangle/Forum/1022/papers/50FPS.html">here</a> for another possible solution.
[This message has been edited by Grigory (edited 19 October 1999).]