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Video Tools installs pvmjpg20. Partially???????

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  • Video Tools installs pvmjpg20. Partially???????

    When I look in the video codecs listing I find an entry for Pvmjpg20, in the system.ini I find the entry "vidc.MJPG=Pvmjpg20.dll".
    This codec is NOT listed as a option under the compression choices in Premiere.
    There is no pvmjpg20.dll in my system directory.

    Does anyone know why this is partially installed/setup with the Matrox video tools???

    When I double click on the codec the "settings" box is grayed out. I assume this is because the codec does not actually exist on my system(no dll).

    I discovered this when I was doing preliminary work for installing/testing Morgan's codec and PICvideo's codec on my system(I have not install either codec).
    I know that the "Pvmjpg" is PICvideo's codec but am confused why these entries exist after installing Matrox's Video tools.

    I am a little concerned about installing either codec without knowing why these settings exist.



  • #2
    I had the same problem and this is what the PICVideo tech support sent me:


    Actually you can have two mjpeg codecs installed but only one can be the active primary.

    Note that during installation of the picvideo mjpeg codec, if another mjpeg codec is found installed, the installer asks if pv should be primary. If so note that the other is made secondary - available for compression but NOT the default decompressor for the mjpg fourcc.

    Also the pv setup screen allows the user to "diable" the pv codec - this makes it the secondary. (Which means its fourcc is set to mjpx and the other codec is changed from mjpx to mjpg)

    So although our codec is well behaved during installation, we can't expect all mjpg codecs to do this.

    Also, you may see ours listed by name and linked to the other's configuration dialog after installing the other because the other may not use the "Friendly Name" field in the
    registry and our "Friendly Name" is left there linked to their codec.

    So the thing to do is:

    1) remove both codecs

    2) Install the "other" codec

    3) Install ours as primary

    Now pv is primary. To set the other as primary, uncheck the pv config dialog box "Enable PICVideo MJPEG Codec". Say OK! This sets the current mjpx codec (if exists) to be the mjpg codec and sets pv as the mjpx
    codec. To go back, check this box.

    Hope this is clearer than it sounds!


    Their site is and they have been giving away full versions of PICVideo for about a month.

    You also get trial versions of a lossless MJPeg and a Wavelet based video compression. Wavelet is the compression to be used in the upcoming JPEG2000 format.

    Dr. Mordrid

    [This message has been edited by DrMordrid (edited 21 October 1999).]


    • #3
      Just a note: on my system and others (on the PICVideo list) installation of the Lossless JPEG codec, caused AfterFX 4 to crash (not start).

      so BEWARE.


      • #4
        Thanks for the help. I'll use this info later tonight when I play around with the codec's.

        BTW: Did either one of you have success with the pvmjpg2 codec? Was it an improvement verses Matrox's software codec?


