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Help with Vidtools and Powerdesk!!!!!

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  • Help with Vidtools and Powerdesk!!!!!

    When i use my marvel g400 with PD .25
    and vid tools .51 its fine and dandy
    but if i upgrade to PD .30 to get the turbo GL (way cool)
    i cant use the scratch pad in Ulead Media 5.2 correctly....
    it freezes and doesnt respond

    apart from that all is fine (tv output ect)so i can see

    is there any way to get around this and use 5.30 id really like the Turbo GL

    I guess this is why only .25 is supported

    Failing a fix, does anyone know (haig??? :O)
    when the next turbo GL compatible vid tools are released or a new powerdesk that works ok with vid tools

    ive spent since tuesday getting everything going ok, and now i find i cant use turbo gl, its really annoying grrrrrr :O(
    Windows XP Pro + SP1 - Pentium 4 3.1gig - 1024mg DDR 333 2 cas - Thermaltake Xaser Case - Parhelia 128 - 3x Phillips TFT Monitors - Audigy 2 Platinum - 6.1 surround speakers - RTx100 - 5 HD 7200rpm (420gig) - Pioneer A03 - Partridge in a pear tree

  • #2
    I just had a thought...
    the turbo GL driver that everyone was testing on 5.25 and raving about
    is it available for distribution/download anywhere now that the 'official' one is in .30 drivers?????

    if i used that along with the .25 drivers wouldnt that solve the problem... or is this not allowed or condoned by big M :O)
    Windows XP Pro + SP1 - Pentium 4 3.1gig - 1024mg DDR 333 2 cas - Thermaltake Xaser Case - Parhelia 128 - 3x Phillips TFT Monitors - Audigy 2 Platinum - 6.1 surround speakers - RTx100 - 5 HD 7200rpm (420gig) - Pioneer A03 - Partridge in a pear tree

