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RRG on G400 probs

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  • RRG on G400 probs


    I've been using a RRG on a G400 now and it did work so far; only a few probs in the beginning.

    Since I did reinstalled my windows it seems like the RRG doesn't work anymore the way it should. The TV tuner does receive no more but 5 channels instead of the usual 29. The settings are OK (PAL) .
    The line-playback doesn't behave OK neither, I still got te graphics but the sound that comses with the videotape is gone. If I plug in the audio-cable direct on the line in of the audiocard I got sound; so the problem is the rainbow runner.
    What could be wrong; I use the latest drivers (did use the same before the reinstall of win98 and they worked fine); I even flashed the bios of the G400 but nothing will work.
    PS. Before reinstalling win98 I did use a format C; so there can't be anymore old seting of matrox hardware left.
    Anyone who has an idea?

  • #2
    If it worked before the reformat, it isn't likely to be a hardware failure.

    Did you load the same combination of Powerdesk and Video Tools as before ?

    Did you run Quick Connect after installing the VTs ?


    • #3
      The only thing that is different now are my irq settings but there's just now way to change them. In the first installation I did plug in the RR-G with already a windows installed. Now I did reinstall windows with the PC containing all the hardware. Maybe I should take out the RR-G; and remove all Matrox drivers. Maybe I need to take out the soundcard as well. Hmm; I'm gonna do some experiments on this. I let you know the results in a reply.


      • #4
        I've tried the RR-G again after removing it first and also the audio-card. I did remove their drivers as well. After putting back one card; restart win and installing it;...
        anyway, no matter what combination I use; the RR doesn't do the job as it should. I must say there's a difference of hardware now; I use 2 HDD's on the first IDE controller, before my probs I had only one. But I can't imagine that has something to do with it; or can it? It are UDMA 66 Hdd's.They're set to UDMA 66 as well, since the mainboard supports it.(msi6167)
        I also use the latest drivers for this combination from matrox; maybe I should try the original ones? (I think I already did this, but I could be wrong) It seems more like the channel settings of the TV aren't wright, the settings are Belgium and PAL but it feels like the RR doesn't use this settings. Any suggestions?
        By the way, if I'm using quick connect, the channel preview behaves the same, I can see 5 channels, all the rest is disortion.



        • #5

          Did you try to adjust the freq. manually in the reg file to see if it gives any change to the tuner???




          • #6
  ; could you explain a bit better please.
            I don't even know where to find this register or how to change this.
            I would like to give it a try.



            • #7
              Before you change back to the old drive, try to disable UDMA66. Some hardware combo's ( usually HDs and MOBOs ) just don't like it or get along. If you set it back to UDMA33 and it works again, it will get you that much closer to a cure. And people who have solved this problem will be able to help once it known if this is the problem.
              Also are you shure you reinstalled all the latest drivers for you MOBO and its AGP, I'm not to up-to-date on there as I use the drivers built in to WIN for INTEL chipsets, but I understand the alternative chipsets oftain have problems without the latest drivers.

              Good Luck,
              Mark F.

              OH NO, my retractable cup holder swallowed a CD

              Mark F. (A+, Network+, & CCNA)
              OH NO, my retractable cup holder swallowed a DVD...
              and burped out a movie


              • #8

                Make sure that you have enabled "cable" instead of "antenna" in the tuner section from pc-vcr.

                Get a list of freq. used by your local cable supplier.

                Then, start up reg-edit and go to:

                6-PAL_BG_STD (used in Belgium)

                Here are the freq. listed that should be used in Belgium (PAL_BG_STD,BG_FM_NICAM).

                8-Double click on F1 and you will get a box
                with some hex. numbers.Enable "decimal"
                and on the left of it you now can manually
                put in a freq. for a particular channel,
                for example: F1=freq. used for BRT1
                F2=freq. used for BRT2

                And so on, until you have used all the freq.

                The channels will be recognized next time you 'll start-up pc-vcr.

                If it doesn't work, mail the freq. listing to me and i will make a patch for you.



                • #9
                  Yes!! It works; here's one happy person.
                  I just don't know what did it but I finally got it running. This is what I've been doing:
                  I removed all matrox software with the matrox uninstall tool. Then I put back the latest driver for the G400; but I didn't use the latest video tools; instead of 1.51e I used 1.50e .
                  After a restart of the PC (not PC-VCR)it still didn't work. I changed the country settings (who were set as Belgium) to another country; without result. I did restart PC-VCR and put the country settings back to Belgium. After restarting PC-VCR I still had no succes. Then I shutted down the PC and restarted it; and now everything works OK. Could it be that just restarting PC-VCR isn't enough, but one must actually restart the PC for changes to take effect?
                  Otherwise I realy don't know what happend here. I did take a complete back-up of my HDD; one of these days I'm going to install this newest driver and follow the same procedure. Id it doesn't work, i just have to put back my back-up and then I know there's a problem with this 1.51e.
                  Anyway, I would like to thank everyone who adviced me on this one, it feels nice to know one is never alone in a problem.

