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Forum problem

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  • Forum problem

    Several times this morning, I tried to access this forum. The downloading got stuck at the banner ads: their host seemed to be down, producing a DNS error.

    Would it be possible to incorporate a time-out, so that if the ads host at gamecity were not contacted within, say, 10 secs, it short-circuited the link and allowed downloading to progress normally? I realise that the ads are economically essential (unfortunately ), but why should we be inconvenienced if they are not available?

    BTW, does anyone ever click on these banner ads? I know when I wish to access a site, I never do click an ad, because it is the site I wish to see and not an irrelevant distraction offering me a fortune, beautiful girls or whatever. Or is this just me being terrible again?

    Brian (the terrible)

    Brian (the devil incarnate)

  • #2
    It's you just being terrible again Without the ads there will be no site. So what do you want a site with banners or no site without banners

    With regards to the timeout at least with IE it does this, while the ad server was down I found IE would try to load the ads then give up after a certain period and load the rest of the page.


    • #3

      This may or may not be related to what Brian is mentioning, but I've had a problem the last three or four days accessing the site. It seems that during the day here (west coast, North America) there is no problem, but in the evenings it is impossible to access the "messageboard". Last night the "news" wouldn't even appear, which is highly unusual. This has been the first time I can remember that I've had a problem since the switch in servers months ago.

      In case it is relevant, I use IE, but no amount of waiting would allow the site to load.

      So Ant, I'm not complaining. I'm just bringing it to your attention in case you or Chris didn't realize that there has been a problem of sorts recently.


      • #4
        The only problem I have seen (and I'm here every few minutes virutally all day) is the slow down when the ad server was down yesterday.


        • #5
          Hi Brian

          A really good tip - Turn of your images in the browser, it makes accessing ALL site soo much quicker and has prevented me getting the problems you described.

          Yup Banner add blues.

          Best of luck

          (yeh I know I wont be popular with the advertisers for this one)



          • #6

            Ant, I'm not surprised that you wouldn't notice this problem if it only occurs in the evening here, because you'd probably be sleeping there. I don't care how dedicated you are, there's no way you're checking this forum every few minutes in the middle of the night!


            • #7

              I agree with Patrick. No amount of waiting (with Netscape Communicator, though) will allow you to get into the forum. All I get is a DNS Error message and then it stops trying.

              I haven't tried it with MSIE, which I use only for checking how web sites I design look. I cannot reasonably turn off graphics either, Biker, for the same reason. In any case, I don't think it would make any difference because, until a graphics is downloaded, how does your browser know not to display it? It still has to access the site and, if the site ain't there...

              The main question remains unanswered ... would it be possible to have a time-out script which would bypass the banner download if it didn't download within a reasonable time. As it is, when this happens, there is no forum for Patrick, myself and probably many others

              Brian (the terrible)

              Brian (the devil incarnate)


              • #8
                Patrick you'd be suprised how little I sleep and how often I am in here, as I don't usually go to bed until 2 to 3 AM I am very much around these servers during your evening time.

                Netscape does misbehave in these circumstances as it does in many others and will stall on the ads instead of just ignoring them as IE, Opera and others do. The ads server has had one spell of downtime at the weekend I don't really think it is a major issue, all servers have downtime, that's life.


                • #9

                  Reading the appropriate HTML code,
                  < !-- CENTER>
                  < !-- BEGIN ADCODE -->
                  < !-- A href=" Genre_Hardware" >< !-- IMG src=" Genre_Hardware" border=1 height=60 width=468 ></A -->

                  < !-- /CENTER>

                  my guess is that the <IMG...> bit is probably ignored when the graphics is turned off, but I cannot see how the href... bit would be, unless you were also able to turn off hyperlinks. It was the whole server that was down, not just the graphics to download.

                  (I edited the code to make it into remarks by adding !-- , because it displayed as the banner!)

                  Brian (the terrible)

                  [This message has been edited by Brian Ellis (edited 30 November 1999).]

                  [This message has been edited by Brian Ellis (edited 30 November 1999).]
                  Brian (the devil incarnate)

