Nov 29 '99
Reading with interest all the problems & remedies for the dreaded EVIL FRAMES. Recently editing a sequence of shots of skiers that I'd filmed on a dry ski slope, I had occasion to 'slomo' one shot & then freeze-frame for 3 seconds to illustrate a skier's angulation & general posture for good ski technique. Playing back the sequence on the comp. monitor was perfectly OK in the preview window of MSPro. However, on the external monitor - the vibration of, not only the frozen-frame but also on the 'slomo' of the skier (quite large in frame) was very severe.
On still shots, as someone has already pointed out, no problem; when you have little or no movement with the frame there is no vibrating image. My answer has been to use only Frame-based but to click the 'Flicker Reduction' box both for preview & for 'Creating' the final edit. This cures all vibration of large movement within the frame but it does take a little longer to render. I find that all talk of Field Orders - Frame-Based, A or B, makes absolutely no difference whatsoever - other than ticking the Deinterlace box for orders A & B.
The vibration is really caused by the fact that one frame is scanned twice - so a frozen-frame consists of two lots of scanned lines. Ticking the Flicker Reduction or the Deinterlace boxes 'welds' them together to give the impression of one still frame.
Hope this is of help & interest to all MSPro editors.
Merv Wilson
My system:
AMD K6-2 333Mhz - Asus P5A-B Socket7 M/Board - Matrox Marvel G200 VidCap/Graphics card 16Mb SGRAM - 192Mb of system RAM - 10.1Gb boot HD disk - 16.8Gb video HD disk - both IBM Deskstars. Win95. MediaStudioPro 5.2 VE Camcorder: Panasonic DX1E - 3xCCD. I use PC-Remote for all capture - generally at 11:1 compression.
Reading with interest all the problems & remedies for the dreaded EVIL FRAMES. Recently editing a sequence of shots of skiers that I'd filmed on a dry ski slope, I had occasion to 'slomo' one shot & then freeze-frame for 3 seconds to illustrate a skier's angulation & general posture for good ski technique. Playing back the sequence on the comp. monitor was perfectly OK in the preview window of MSPro. However, on the external monitor - the vibration of, not only the frozen-frame but also on the 'slomo' of the skier (quite large in frame) was very severe.
On still shots, as someone has already pointed out, no problem; when you have little or no movement with the frame there is no vibrating image. My answer has been to use only Frame-based but to click the 'Flicker Reduction' box both for preview & for 'Creating' the final edit. This cures all vibration of large movement within the frame but it does take a little longer to render. I find that all talk of Field Orders - Frame-Based, A or B, makes absolutely no difference whatsoever - other than ticking the Deinterlace box for orders A & B.
The vibration is really caused by the fact that one frame is scanned twice - so a frozen-frame consists of two lots of scanned lines. Ticking the Flicker Reduction or the Deinterlace boxes 'welds' them together to give the impression of one still frame.
Hope this is of help & interest to all MSPro editors.
Merv Wilson
My system:
AMD K6-2 333Mhz - Asus P5A-B Socket7 M/Board - Matrox Marvel G200 VidCap/Graphics card 16Mb SGRAM - 192Mb of system RAM - 10.1Gb boot HD disk - 16.8Gb video HD disk - both IBM Deskstars. Win95. MediaStudioPro 5.2 VE Camcorder: Panasonic DX1E - 3xCCD. I use PC-Remote for all capture - generally at 11:1 compression.