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Rainbow Runner G PROBLEMS!

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  • #16
    I recently read something else about the power supply issue. Apparently it's not just a Matrox issue at all. Other AGP cards can be affected as well. There are a couple of reasons for the problem;

    1. Dual processor setups. Multi-processors draw a lot of current. If the power supply isn't up to snuff the AGP slot can be left without enough for many of the higher performance video boards.

    2. Athlon processors. They need a robust power supply for the same reason as #1. The Athlons draw a lot of power.

    3. Some motherboards do not have the highest quality voltage regulators.

    The short fix for 1 & 2 should be to get a robust power supply, 300 watts or better. I'd start with those on the AMD Athlon compatability list.

    #3 is another issue, but suffice it to say the SS7 mobos are more likely to have this problem.

    Dr. Mordrid

    [This message has been edited by DrMordrid (edited 06 December 1999).]


    • #17
      I solved my problem!
      I uninstalled Win98 SE Fin, and then reinstalled Win98 UK, and everything works fine.
      So there must be something wrong with Win98SE Fin and G-series Rainbow Runner.


      • #18
        hi from France,

        always my TV tuner and audio problems (noise on audio out).

        Yesterday I 've try to reinstall all drivers and video tools.
        I use uninstall utility to deinstall 5.30 drivers and after reboot win98 detect PCI graphic card, so I cancel driver installation by this mean. strange : no graphic card was listed in system property/graphic !! No IRQ was assigned to the G200 !!

        I go in mgafold and run setup to reinstall driver 5.30 but nothing happend, no driver was install !! What happend ? The only way I have to reinstall my driver is to let windows98 search driver in mgafold with automatic PnP installation.
        What do you think about this, is it normal ??

        PS : after many reboot I sometimes have graphic card error (long beep follows by two short beep). Is my G200 broken !!


        • #19

          rather than go through a setup procedure here on the forum try checking out faq section at matrox site you never know the solution you are looking for might be there.-

          let us know


