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My video is all "wibbly"...

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  • #16
    this is what I got from Matrox Technical Support:

    "I believe that this particular problem is supposed to be fixed with the next driver release. I don't have any info on release dates."

    I also have a second word from another source that I trust more then TS.

    The only problem is by when???

    I think that the 1999 revenue for Matrox is not coming from the RRG, thus they are probably using all their programmers to work on the G400/G400Max and maybe, on some new cards, that we will see next year.

    It is also true that only a few people have reported the jitters, even if Matrox should have known the problem from the beginning.

    What I don't know is if it's only a PAL or also a NTSC problem.

    I have seen so far three different PC's with G400DH/RRG and all of them were showing the jitters even if, besides me, the other two PC's owners did't realise it.
    None of them had a TV connected to the PC and they were recording to VHS.

    The fact that Matrox is reluctant to replay to this problem and nobody from the Matrox people, that are providing so valuable informations to this forum, have never took a position on the matter, makes me feeling that we are facing a wide spread problem where the rule is "Don't talk about it!!"
    Maybe I am wrong but I am also fed up.


    • #17

      I've been following this thread with a lot of interest. I'm wondering if there's any chance that the problems reported here are related to the ones that I've raised in another thread - Vibrating image on TV output - which can be found at:

      I'm becoming concerned that this field reversal issue is a HUGE problem with all forms of the Rainbow Runner and Marvel, both NTSC and PAL. I would really appreciate hearing someone from Matrox comment on this matter. This is a situation where silence is not golden.


      • #18
        Hi again everyone, sorry that took so long! I seem to have hit a nerve here, the thread is still high

        Right, the wibbling thing has *nothing* to do with the clock speed on the G400, just as I suspected

        I read Patrick's thread but started a new one because his problem seems to be TV output only, but mine is on the monitor aswell. So I figured that something is going wrong on the encoding (input) side (?)

        I'm getting the impression that this wibling thing is not solvable. If so, will I be able to get a refund (I bought the RRG back in September, but only found out about this now that I need MJPEG). Also, I only bought the G400 because I had to to use the RRG, so could I return that too?

        I'm about to go abroad for almost 2 months... should I:

        a) quickly send it back before I go?
        b) do nothing and hope that by the time I'm back some new drivers will have magically fixed it?

        How anyone could just not see it, I don't know. This is not a subtle problem: it's very very obvious, and very very bad A capture card that wont do the full 704x576 is about as usefull to me as.... something not very usefull

        Hoping for a miracle,


        • #19
          I think you could try different refresh rate combinations with your monitors. I had the same problem with dual monitors and had to make some adjustments.

          About the jitter, try to move your TV away from sources that you think might cause interference. Your VCR might be a source too - so try pluging direct to the TV to check.

          I have this problem with RR-mil2 and the cause was the VCR. RR-G/ G400 is steady as hell.


          • #20
            I just got a G400DH to replace my old G200, because i needed the TVO.
            I have experienced the same vertical jitter when playing back on the TV, but only with video recorded using G400+RR-G. The ones made with the G200+RR-G doesn't show any jitter.
            So the answer to this problem is just to use G200+RR-G for recording and G400+RR-G for playback :-)



            • #21
              I guess I'll join the club... G400(MAX)+RRG=wibbling (Windows 98 second edition)

              As someone mentioned before, replacing the g400 with a g200 solves the problem, but I've also noticed the following:

              The wibbling only appears in playback of full res MJPEG at display resolutions higher than 640*480. So capturing video using a high display resolution (I use 1152*864) and switching to 640*480 (the closest I get to 704*576) before playback works ok. For now I guess I'll have to settle for switching resolutions (using keyboard shortcuts).

              I had a short E-mail correspondence with Matrox German tech-support, but they didn't seem to have a clue either...


              • #22
                If you expand your window past 704x576 (but not to double size), what do you see? Is it smooth or can you distinctly see the scan lines? What do you see if you shrink it below 704x576 (but not to half size)? How does the jitter behave at these sizes?


                • #23
                  Slightly shrinking from 704*576 also fixes the problem. Enlarging doesn't affect the jittering.
                  One thing also worth noting is that (using high desktop resolutions) not only the captured image wibbles, but also the input signal (from any source) is wibbling, but only half of the magnitude compared to the captured video.


                  • #24
                    Yep. I have the same wibbly problem.
                    I have a G400MAX+RRG+Win98 and I get wibbly video. Plus it seems to be inching up right so I have a border at the bottom and left side of the video. This looks mainly like the video is out of sync. I have a Reel Magic Hollywood Plus card (not installed) that you can adjust the same thing by calibrating the overlay video. You can move the picture around to make sure it's centered and you can choose a number from 0 to 9 which stops the wibbling (sometimes). It sounds like the these cards try to do it automatically and just can't seem to get it right.

