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Mystique220/RR/MSPro help

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  • Mystique220/RR/MSPro help

    I'm using Win98 and Mystique 220/ RainbowRunner/ with Media Studio Pro 5.2

    I need help getting all the setting in sync.

    What does RR capture as? Field or Frame A/B?

    Are there any other settings I need to set.

    Is there anyone out there who is using this same configuration. Send help with MSPro Preferences/Properties settings and Preview Settings.


  • #2
    The RRS captures in field order A.

    The Marvels and RR-G capture in field order B.

    You should set up the render options to "smart render" and the audio and video to be interleaved with a frame setting of 1.

    Also anyone using MSPro with less than a gig free on their boot drive should move the Windows temporary files assignment to a TEMP directory on the capture drive by putting this in their autoexec.bat:


    Dr. Mordrid


    • #3

      Doc, although I've seen this mentioned here many times before, I had never done it until today. My capture drive is E, but I used the settings you listed so that I could make use of the larger of the two partitions on my boot drive. Two questions:

      1) Is what I did alright?

      2) Should I now see some kind of a TEMP folder listed somewhere on the D partition? I don't appear to be able to see one.

      These may be dumb questions. I don't have much of a grounding with operating systems.


      • #4
        I don't set any temp folders, project folders, or anything else I have a choice with on the system drive, when it comes to MSP or any other capture/output video activity. Whether there's a separate partition or not, you're still dealing with the same physical drive, and the same issues of throughput when Windows is constantly accessing it.


        • #5

          Thanks for responding Jeff. What you have stated has also been advised by others here, and it certainly has merit. Just to confuse things though, there are other opinions (of course) posted here. Here's what Anthony (A_bit) has recently posted. I've highlighted the most relevant part.

          In addition to many of the good advice in here I would suggest that if you have only 2 hard drives (and they are primaries on separate controllers of course) I found that for timeline playback it is best to put the video on the second drive, and let MSP generate preview audio files on the system drive. If you have the video and audio files on the same drive, the drive will thrash like crazy during playback.
          Would anyone care to comment further on these seemingly opposing views? This is so confusing for a lot of us.


          • #6

            I just discovered the answer to the second question from my first post. It appears that I needed to manually create a TEMP folder for my D partition. I guess I thought by changing the autoexec.bat configuration as Doc had suggested that a TEMP folder on D would magically appear. Thanks Patrick....You're welcome Patrick.

            Of course, now with what Jeff has stated, I may change this to my E drive...


            • #7
              Putting them on a different PHYSICAL drive is what I meant to get across. On most systems a D drive would mean just that, but I was tired (it was after 1:00 a.m. here) and didn't make it very clear. Sorry for the confusion.

              Dr. Mordrid

              [This message has been edited by DrMordrid (edited 19 December 1999).]

