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Got my G400 Marvel :)) , it aint working properly :((

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  • Got my G400 Marvel :)) , it aint working properly :((


    Finally got my Marvel G400 TV )

    But i seem to have the same problems a few people have. Namely that captured video goes black and white after a while, and corrupted frames.

    Sometimes when i boot up MSP the whole screen goes a pale shade of blue (my RED completely dissappears?) hmmmm...

    Video captured with my G200 Marvel plays and edits ok ? weird.

    Anyway, would anyone here have any idea when new Drivers/Vid Tools may be released ?

    I'm asking here because you're a resourceful bunch, and also because i've only ever ONCE recieved an email back from Matrox, plus they probably get sick of 'Hi, my G400 Marvel doesn't..............' emails


  • #2
    I've been using a G400 Marvel for Months and haven't seen anything like the stuff you are reporting. The same kind of symptoms seem to have hit some G400 + G-RR users, so I assumed this was mainly limited to them.

    What drivers have you tried using ? I started off reviewing the G400-TV with the provided drivers, and only afterwards upgraded. The only problem that I saw was a small case of the jitters (which the sharp-eyed can see) in the MPEG of the test movie that I created. It looks like a single frame has field-reversed at a high-motion part of the AVI which leads to about a second of jittering.


    • #3


      I done a whole bunch of editing tonight, all went well.

      A few notes:

      I've tried powerdesk v 5.25 , 5.30 and 5.41
      although i haven't tried a different vid tools yet, i'm currently using v1.51

      The problem still exists with all the above drivers.

      I noticed something else really weird.

      When in 16bit mode, theres a certain shade or color that shows up as a very mirky blue/dark green, this showed itself really bad when in a paint package and i clicked to see a palette of colours. What i saw was the same 'mirky blue' affected the whole color spectrum, mostly at lower shade values (i'm guessing (r80,g80,b80).

      This isn't there when in 32bit mode.

      Another thing was while editing my MJPEG's tonight, that same 'mirky blue' (ok, i'll think of a better name for it hehehe) showed itself in ALL mjpeg's previewed in Premiere monitor window !!!

      It made them look like i had changed the palette to 256 colors or less

      However this didn't affect the output to TV, that was just fine !

      Same again, this didn't show up while in 32bit mode ???


      My system:

      QDI B1s2000
      128meg PC100
      Marvel G400
      13 gig ide
      10 gig ide
      9 gig AV scsi
      Adaptec 2940u
      Teac 8x cdr
      Pioneer DVD
      no brand scsi 12x


