Posted to the rec.video.desktop
newsgroup today:
>well iam not going to go into a
>huge diatribe here on the dv500
>because I am too stressed out....
>p3 600
>192 ram
>win98 se
>45 gigs umda 66 7200 (2 drives)
>i read over the instructions for
>about 1/2 hour before i started the
>install... so basically i seemed to
>have everything installed, premiere,
>the card, firewire, e4 and overlay.
>i tried to start dv tools from
>control panel as suggested.....total
>freeze for awhile, then the error
>ralctrl.cpl......upon reboot, the
>comp makes it to windows, freezes and...
>...a search for exe files in the
>directory yields no dv tools.exe
>i then tried starting premiere from the
>pinnacle group, that almost started but
>then crashed....
>i have checked device manager, no flags,
>everything seems to be working okay with
>no conflicts....
>iam too tired and fed up with the whole
>process right now, but i think i will have
>to uninstall everything and start from
>scratch, premiere 5.0 first......
>basically my worst fears and
>reservations have been realized
>with this purchase....
>my opinion of pinnacle has been
>somewhat confirmed - sloppy
>products that are a pain
>to configure......i had some
>trouble with my dc10 as well...
>..hopefully i will be proved
>wrong here, but so far the
>installation seems
>to be like a "house of cards."
Posted to the rec.video.desktop
newsgroup today:
>well iam not going to go into a
>huge diatribe here on the dv500
>because I am too stressed out....
>p3 600
>192 ram
>win98 se
>45 gigs umda 66 7200 (2 drives)
>i read over the instructions for
>about 1/2 hour before i started the
>install... so basically i seemed to
>have everything installed, premiere,
>the card, firewire, e4 and overlay.
>i tried to start dv tools from
>control panel as suggested.....total
>freeze for awhile, then the error
>ralctrl.cpl......upon reboot, the
>comp makes it to windows, freezes and...
>...a search for exe files in the
>directory yields no dv tools.exe
>i then tried starting premiere from the
>pinnacle group, that almost started but
>then crashed....
>i have checked device manager, no flags,
>everything seems to be working okay with
>no conflicts....
>iam too tired and fed up with the whole
>process right now, but i think i will have
>to uninstall everything and start from
>scratch, premiere 5.0 first......
>basically my worst fears and
>reservations have been realized
>with this purchase....
>my opinion of pinnacle has been
>somewhat confirmed - sloppy
>products that are a pain
>to configure......i had some
>trouble with my dc10 as well...
>..hopefully i will be proved
>wrong here, but so far the
>installation seems
>to be like a "house of cards."