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G400 Max + RR (sound but no picture!)

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  • G400 Max + RR (sound but no picture!)

    I have just upgraded from my G200 to a G400 Max card. Using the G200 with my RR was fine however now with the G400 I have one major problem.

    1. When I load up PC-VCR and try to use the TV tuner all I get is sound! The picture is sometimes green but usually black. this occurs on other programs like Ulead and Premiere

    Things I done,

    1. Tried all the different versions of drivers.
    2. Tried altering the screen resolution.
    3. Tried Uninstalling and reinstalling!
    4. Tried moving the RR to different PCI solts
    5. The [quick connect] program loads and shows the black TV window.
    6. The display properties display the following :

    [duel head (built in)]
    [matrox rainbow runner G-series]
    [MJPEG encoder/decoder (add-on]
    [TV tuner (add-on)]

    to cut it short I have spent ages tring to get this RR to work properly!

    My current system specs:

    P3 500
    128Mb ram
    Abit BE6 v2
    Aopen Full Tower (300W) case

    Hope someone can help

    ***[Happy New Year to you all!]***

  • #2

    i've spent 4 days trying to get an RRG working with anything. After 3 operating systems, 2 m/boards, dozens of drivers and combinations I changed the m/board again and it worked first time under win95. So i'm stuck with this new P3-500.

    under NT i just get a nice dark green screen, if I take the G400 out and put the G200 back in it works using 4.22 drivers and VT 1.23. I've given up, maybe try again when I can get win2k, but I don't expect it to work then either.

    Interesting to do a search on this site for the word "green". I've been an engineer all my adult life, and in my opinion this hardware is unreliable and VERY buggy.


    • #3

      The Matrox technical support told me that the problem is a corrupt bios within the G400. So I've sent it back and hope to receive a new one in the next few days.


      • #4
        Ah, the classic abit -Aopen power supply problem.

        You do have an Aopen power supply, yes? If so, that may very well be your problem. Consensus here is you need at least 0.5A at
        -5V to get a RR-G working well with an abit board.(0.5A at -12V might also be good.) Chances are your Aopen PS is supplying only 0.3A at -5V. Mine is. If you can try to swap your PS for a unit with the correct amperage (I found el cheapo PS with the correct specs, and they seem to work fine...)

        Odds are changing the card will do nothing...

        I know, it sucks.

        BTW I have contacted Aopen to know why they produce substandard power supplies and to ask them if there is a way to tweak their 300W PS (yeah, I know, fat chance...)

        Keep you posted


        • #5

          I have received my replacement G400 and guess what, I beat the odds, IT WORKS!

          I now have a clear picture aswell as sound within the PC-VCR app.

