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Things to do while waiting for the RT2000...

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  • Things to do while waiting for the RT2000...

    Things to do while waiting for the RT2000 to be released:

    Make a baby.

    Grow a tree.

    Invent a new type of pudding.

    Make a feature length movie.

    Grow your fingernails really long.

    Prepare for a space shuttle mission.

    Make a better version of ‘Hairclip.mpg’.

    Teach someone NLE.

    Eradicate hunger on planet Earth.

    Convince the Pope to be an atheist.

    Get China to give back Tibet.

    Trick Jerry into saying something bad about Ulead.

    Build a house out of beer cans.

    Get a response from the Pinnacle help desk.

    Get Bill Gates to resign (OOPS! Too easy…)

  • #2
    "Get Bill Gates to resign (OOPS! Too easy…)"

    He just did, well sort of.



    • #3
      I think that was the point .

      And so the 'reorganization' begins.

      Mark f.

      OH NO, my retractable cup holder swallowed a CD

      Mark F. (A+, Network+, & CCNA)
      OH NO, my retractable cup holder swallowed a DVD...
      and burped out a movie


      • #4
        Make a baby
        Already done that. Expecting on April 26th.
        If a bear shits in the woods, and no one is there to smell it, does it stink?


        • #5
          Since reading what and have to say about the Maxtor DiamondMax Plus 40 7200RPM 40.9GB drives I have feverishly busied myself with waiting for the drives to reach resellers. These are the babies I'm waiting for.


          • #6

            a) There is no-one else that could do "hairclip". Period.

            b) Forget about making Babies, Matrox has already got that one covered. In fact they've been testing out their new range of contraceptives with an in-house beta team. Stay tuned for early results !

            c) Bill Gates only resigned from Microsoft CEO because I offered him a job over here. You didn't think I wrote that DC30 review myself did you ? Hell no, I passed Bill 20 bucks and told him to give it his best shot.

            d) Did I mention babies yet ?

            e) I think that you were completely sexist about your whole list (sorry, the wife snuck up on me)

            e1) There's just about time for a short bath


            e2) Time to choose just 1 itty-bitty nail varnish with matching lip-gloss if the store doesn't shut early....


            • #7
              Chris: Gee, my wife didn't think the list was sexist, I mean, ...I DID put the thing in there about growing your findernails really long, but, y'know, like... MEN could do that too, couldn't they?

              Speaking of sexist: If a man makes a mistake in the woods, and there's no woman there to see it, is he still wrong?


              • #8
                Does this imply we will get RT2000 on April 27. Goodee, that's my birthday. Present problems solved :-)


                • #9
                  In hindsight (isn't hindsight great?), if one had simply put aside $200 (USD) a month every month since the RT2000 was first announced in August, one would now have enough put aside to buy one.


                  • #10
                    If a man makes a mistake in the woods, and there's no woman there to see it, is he still wrong?
                    Yes, because as you know a woman doesn't have to "see" you doing something wrong to know are doing something fact, they know you've done something wrong before you even do it.

                    Gotta wife is calling me....

                    "Yes Dear....Coming Dear....."

                    If a bear shits in the woods, and no one is there to smell it, does it stink?
                    If a bear shits in the woods, and no one is there to smell it, does it stink?


                    • #11
                      That's right boys. We know everything well in advance. The only thing we don't know is why you guys don't last too long



                      • #12
                        Pure physics;

                        duration =

                        pleasure_level * interest

                        Dr. Mordrid

                        [This message has been edited by DrMordrid (edited 16 January 2000).]

