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How Create Own DVD Movies -> Standard CD-R

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  • How Create Own DVD Movies -> Standard CD-R


    I just want to make my own son's movie (he have six month), but i don't know where can i find this special sofware or if it's possible... I don't have a bakup drive so i've got a space problem...

    I'm using the Matrox's DVD SoftWare and
    I hope to read my own CD's like a DVD for my personnal DVD library...Of course i can create a file under 650 Mo and burn it...

    but i have two objectifs :

    1- I want preserve my movies to the futur
    2- Movies can be viewed with a standard stand-alone DVD player...

    Thanks for all reply

    PII300a@450-160MRAM-4.2UW2 SCSI, 14GoATA66
    g400TV-PCI 128 SB

    PII300a@450-160MRAM-4.2UW2 SCSI, 14GoATA66
    g400TV-PCI 128 SB

  • #2
    what you want to do is create a VideoCD, or VCD disc. You need to create an MPEG video of whatever you want, edit it so it is exactly how you would like it, and then create the VideoCD using Adaptec EZCD Creator or some other CDR recording software that can create VideoCD's.

    The disc created can easily be played on your PC, and most modern DVD players can also play VideoCD's. Check the manual from your home DVD console unit as to whether or not it can play VCD movies.

    Be aware that most (90% of them) DVD players can play VideoCD's, but some of the first generation units can't read CDR discs because they are using 1st generation DVD lasers / drive mechanisms, which couldn't read CDR/CDRW. Anything produced in the past year or so SHOULD be able to read CDR discs, unless they are still using the older mechanisms. Be aware that for the manufacturer, it is cheaper and easier to use the old mechanisms, so many out there do.

    Good luck.


    • #3
      if you want to make dvd's out of cdr's i think that vitec dvd toolbox is a start. i was looking into playing around with that as well, not much time yet. but if you want a cracked version of the software here's the link

      or here

      there's also minidvd's, i guess that's what they call mpeg2 streams on cdr's. here's a link on how to make them. i think it looks like a pain in the @ss. but here's another link

      good luck

      another good source for this info is



      • #4

        Thanks frankie (and all of you)
        that's exactly what i need (Vitec's SoftWare DVDToolBOX)

        So, i've just a little Quality problem when i'm create A miniDVD. I don't understand what are the exactly settings
        (Video Source interlace or non interlace) Some Ligne appear when i'm read the movie with a DVD player on my PC (Like PowerDVD or Cinemaster or Matrox's DVD Player).

        If you have the answer ???

        Thanks Again

        PII300a@450-160MRAM-4.2UW2 SCSI, 14GoATA66
        g400TV-PCI 128 SB

        PII300a@450-160MRAM-4.2UW2 SCSI, 14GoATA66
        g400TV-PCI 128 SB


        • #5

          i beleive the reason the mini dvd's won't play on dvd players is not because of the format of the discs, but the inability of a lot of the older dvd players to play cdrs. they claim that it will play on most dvd players. i have not tried it myself, but just a guess.



          • #6
            I don't own a DVD player. I've heard that "mini-dvd's" won't play on most DVD players, or is that not true? Can you use a DVD authoring software, and burn a full-quality mpeg-2 CDR or CDRW and view it on a regular DVD player?
            Resistance is futile - Microborg will assimilate you.


            • #7
              Has ANYBODY succeeded in making a CDRW type mini-DVD at full mpeg-2 resolution, and play it in a desktop DVD player? If yes, which player was that, and which (track/file system) format was used for the CDRW?
              Resistance is futile - Microborg will assimilate you.

