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Camcorder purchase advice

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  • Camcorder purchase advice

    I have a line on an old Panasonic Prosumer svhs camcorder. Now its 10 years old but in prime condition. I can get it for around 500 canadian$ about the same price as a used sony hi8's that are a few years old. Both have svhs out for my Rainbow Runner. Need advice as I can't find squat about any product over a year old on the net.
    Damnit Jim I'm a film maker, not a systems tech!

  • #2
    May I ask the model-#?

    ASUS P2B-S, PII-350 (o/c to 412MHz), 128MB RAM, Cheetah 9.1 GB, Matrox Mill. G200SG, SB 64AWE, Plextor 32x CD-Rom, PlexWriter PX-R820T CD-R, Canon BJC-7000 InkJet, OkiPage 4W Laser and Canon CanoScan 300 Scanner.

    ASUS P2B-S, PIII-550 (o/c to 565MHz), 512MB RAM, Seagate X15 & Cheetah XL, Matrox Mill. G200SG, SB LivePlayer, Plextor 32x CD-Rom, PlexWriter PX-R820T CD-R, Canon BJC-7000 InkJet, OkiPage 4W Laser and Canon CanoScan 300 Scanner.


    • #3

      as best as I can make out on the web, there are around 2 1/2 Canadian dollars to the Pound (sterling). This would give you a price of around £200.

      I bought a Panasonic MV50 (SVHS-C, reconditioned) for £200 2 years ago and it's been a reasonable workhorse. I wouldn't touch the same bargain again at this stage. I'd bee looking at 1,000 Can to buy into Video8, or about 1,250 to get into mini-DV. These prices are rough conversions, maybe Patrick or Elie can help out on specific Canadian prices ?


      • #4

        Chris, for heaven's sake, don't refer to Digital8 as Video8!!! They are two different animals. Related, but VERY different.

        The lowest price I've seen on a D8 camcorder in a local store is $888(Cdn). That was for the TR7000 which is the bottom model with no flip out LCD screen. Prices are probably lower if one wanted to order from an online source.

        Interestingly enough, I just checked the American Sony site and I see that there is a whole swack of new Digital8 models being released. This should further bring down the prices on the original generation of D8 camcorders.

        Unless one was practically given an older model SVHS or Hi8 camcorder, I wouldn't think that it would be worth while. Digital8 or MiniDV is the only way to go.


        • #5
          Well you'll have to forgive me Patrick, spending several hours a day reading and answering this stuff can lead to a certain amount of brainrot, let alone typo's.

          Thanks for filling in with local pricings, I think that you have made the same point that I was trying to.

          Don't do it Kenobi, not unless it is the absolute most that you can afford. It doesn't matter whether you side with digital 8 or mini DV (read forums for best advice), either will provide a more forward-compatible (and better quality) solution than what you are proposing.

          Now if you were offered a NEW S-VHS 'corder at the same price, that might be a different position.


          • #6

            Don't worry Chris, you could be forgiven for almost anything after dealing with the likes of us over the last year or so.


            • #7
              Ok Boys. First off thanks for the replies. Viking the model# is Panasonic porsumer PVS550DK S-VHS. You guys answer video related questions like computer users. BIGGER, BETTER, FASTER
              Now I will be useing my RR as stated. I have seen comparisons of high-8 svhs and digital8 captured( still frames mind you) and they all look identical. They are all about the same res and I would be capturing with the svhs out from all three. The digital-8 uses a 1 ccd chip just like the other 2. Can you guys give me testimonial that it is that big of a leap? I am shooting a short movie that I want to look very professional. Now the prosummer svhs I was hoping would have some manual tweaking of white balance, maybe a better quality lens, and other such things that would give it an edge over a consumer level hi-8. Remember I'm looking at spending about 450 cd (300usd)Not double that for a digital8 unless you guys can tell me it will make a diff.
              Damnit Jim I'm a film maker, not a systems tech!


              • #8

                It makes a diff.

                Judging video formats by looking at still frame captures makes sense if you plan on only capturing still frames. From what you've already told us, that's not the case.

                There isn't much debate at this forum whether or not digital video is superior to analog. We are basically in agreement here that digital is the way to go. The debate is between the Digital8 and MiniDV camps. There are many, many threads here that have gone into detail about this. Use the Search function and you'll see what I mean.


                • #9
                  I know that a 3ccd hi-8 blows away a digital8 being a 1 ccd. Is digital really the way to go if I'm not capturing it in digital but svhs like all RR. Resolution wise they are very close. I mean 1ccd to 1ccd camcorders.
                  Damnit Jim I'm a film maker, not a systems tech!


                  • #10

                    I repeat.... It makes a diff.

                    Don't take my word for it. Compare some raw video footage shot on ANY digital camcorder with what you can shoot with this 10 year old SVHS model. If you honestly can't see any difference, well, buy it.

                    However, it appears to me as though you've already convinced yourself to buy this older camcorder.


                    • #11

                      Patrick and I have often argued about many things: I guess guys living in Canada and those in Cyprus may look at things differently However, for once we agree. I would NEVER buy another analogue camcorder and would not even accept one as a gift. Digital is the ONLY way to go. If you cannot SEE the difference, then get a (new) pair of glasses - and forget the specs. Some early DVs are beginning to appear on the second-hand market at the prices you mention. Go for them if you cannot afford a new one. You won't regret it.

                      Brian (the terrible)

                      Brian (the devil incarnate)


                      • #12
                        Thanks guys. Honest opinions(even if they cost me more money) are what I was looking for. My hunt for a used digital8 begins
                        Damnit Jim I'm a film maker, not a systems tech!


                        • #13
                          Thanks guys. Honest opinions(even if they cost me more money) are what I was looking for. My hunt for a used digital8 begins
                          Damnit Jim I'm a film maker, not a systems tech!

