My MJPEG-captures using a RRG and a G400MAX seem to suffer from sudden quality changes during the capture. At first the quality is fine, then it suddenly changes (to the worse as I'm usually use best quality) within a few frames, although the source video doesn't even have a scene change at that point.
An example:
I put up a small page displaying three consecutive frames from such a quality drop at .
I'd really like to see a solution to this (and also to the "jittering bug" which I also have) as I can't do a capture longer than about 5-10 minutes without the problem appearing.
An example:
I put up a small page displaying three consecutive frames from such a quality drop at .
I'd really like to see a solution to this (and also to the "jittering bug" which I also have) as I can't do a capture longer than about 5-10 minutes without the problem appearing.