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rrg vs. pinnacle dc10 plus

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  • rrg vs. pinnacle dc10 plus

    anyone happen to use these two and know which one is better ???? any suggestions would be helpful



  • #2

    This is a question that is nearly as old as the old "chicken or the egg". Both cards have their proponents and antagonists. And the video card that you are currently running at the moment could have a major impact on your decision (if you are already running a Matrox G200 or G400 then this could swing it).

    I tested a DC10+ based machine a while back, and although the capture was adequate (eventually), it wasn't percievably better than an RR-G. The PC itself might have had something to do with it, as I normally test on one of my own PCs that I know work well. I didn't particularly like the Studio editing software. Some claim that it is better than AvidCinema, but no-one can be in any doubt that both are eclipsed by MediaStudio.

    To flip the coin tho, a lot of people here have had problems with G-RR and G400 combinations (just read the forum). Balance that up against the number of units sold that haven't complained (here, at any rate). The DC10 doesn't escape scot-free on that score either, although you will have to spread your wings wider than this site to find the evidence.

    Tell you what, give us your current machine spec (and details of your video equipment) and the kind of budget you are thinking of. We can all argue with each other and you get to try and make sense of what's left. How does that sound ?


    • #3
      hi this_idiot

      thanks for the response

      well, i just sold my marvel g200 and currently have a g400 32meg dual head. the marvel worked great for me, but i wanted dual head. now i just dont' know what i want. it's either a rrg,the marvel g400 + a second video card, or another alternative in the $300 range. although the i've been lucky and haven't had problems with the g200 marvel, i'm afraid that i will get them with the rrg or marvel g400.

      right now i am currently running a dual p3 500 and two 20 gig ide drives raided together. i mainly capture from dvd, vcr, and digital cams to convert to vcd.

      maybe i shouldn't have asked for a comparison of the rrg and dc10. i was more in the lines of something comparible to the rrg or the marvel, without all of the hassle.
      any suggstions ?



      • #4
        OK, getting a picture now.

        You are after a card that will run under Dual pros, so I suspect this is NT4 ? You're currently using analog gear.

        Well the obvious choice with the equipment you have is a DC30+, but its outside the price range you quoted and isn't (necessarily) an easy card to come to terms with.

        Alternatively you could keep an eye open to the future and buy into a dual-standard board that will cope with both analog and digital. In fact, I did hear that the latest Canopus DVRaptor now captures (properly) analog.

