I am ready to pull my hair out! I have a g-400-tv..I've searched your database the terms you guys use "throw me off" What I want to do is put a
CD(a slideshow that I creadted in Adaptec/Kai/powerpoint)
in the cd drive ..have it play on the computer screen then push the record button on the VCR and it record..(I was told this could be done (by a salesman)!!
And I've have spent the better part of two days on my knees crawling around on the floor moving cables from here to there back to here..
On my computer I go to
which of these do I need to make changes to??
just by accident I am able to view channel two on the computer and I was able to get video from the camcorder..So I'm not A total Moron...just a few short!!
Thanks for any and all advice...
every so humble
CD(a slideshow that I creadted in Adaptec/Kai/powerpoint)
in the cd drive ..have it play on the computer screen then push the record button on the VCR and it record..(I was told this could be done (by a salesman)!!
And I've have spent the better part of two days on my knees crawling around on the floor moving cables from here to there back to here..
On my computer I go to
which of these do I need to make changes to??
just by accident I am able to view channel two on the computer and I was able to get video from the camcorder..So I'm not A total Moron...just a few short!!
Thanks for any and all advice...
every so humble