I received the following e-mail today, even though I'm not in the UK 
X-ListMember: b_ellis@protonique.com [ulde_news@ebs.ulead.com.tw]
Ulead Systems launch MediaStudio Pro 6.0
Advancing the Art of Digital Video
MediaStudio Pro has been significantly updated to leverage the latest
technological advances in hardware and software making the program
faster, more efficient and more stable.
Native DV with IEEE 1394 and MPEG-2 support, plus MP3 audio input
The hottest video technologies and MP3 audio support are now
effectively integrated into MediaStudio Pro 6.0 making desktop video
editing more productive and enjoyable.
Here only some new features:
· Native DV with IEEE 1394 and MPEG-2 support
· Improved workflow makes editing fast and efficient
· Advanced timeline tools and controls
· Superior rendering tools and performance
· Output AVI files graeter than 2GB
· Enhanced quality
MediaStudio Pro 6.0 is available middle february:
Fullversion MediaStudio Pro 6.0:
Pound 399,99
Update from MediaStudio Pro 2.5, VideoStudio 3.0, VideoStudio 4.0,
MediaStudio Pro 5.x
Pound 166,00
Dealer: For more Information in Detail¡K
UK:BIT UK Limited
Tel: +44-1420-83811
Fax: +44 1420 80657
Since posting the above, I looked at their web site. It is HOPELESS
Brian (the terrible)
[This message has been edited by Brian Ellis (edited 14 February 2000).]

X-ListMember: b_ellis@protonique.com [ulde_news@ebs.ulead.com.tw]
Ulead Systems launch MediaStudio Pro 6.0
Advancing the Art of Digital Video
MediaStudio Pro has been significantly updated to leverage the latest
technological advances in hardware and software making the program
faster, more efficient and more stable.
Native DV with IEEE 1394 and MPEG-2 support, plus MP3 audio input
The hottest video technologies and MP3 audio support are now
effectively integrated into MediaStudio Pro 6.0 making desktop video
editing more productive and enjoyable.
Here only some new features:
· Native DV with IEEE 1394 and MPEG-2 support
· Improved workflow makes editing fast and efficient
· Advanced timeline tools and controls
· Superior rendering tools and performance
· Output AVI files graeter than 2GB
· Enhanced quality
MediaStudio Pro 6.0 is available middle february:
Fullversion MediaStudio Pro 6.0:
Pound 399,99
Update from MediaStudio Pro 2.5, VideoStudio 3.0, VideoStudio 4.0,
MediaStudio Pro 5.x
Pound 166,00
Dealer: For more Information in Detail¡K
UK:BIT UK Limited
Tel: +44-1420-83811
Fax: +44 1420 80657
Since posting the above, I looked at their web site. It is HOPELESS

Brian (the terrible)
[This message has been edited by Brian Ellis (edited 14 February 2000).]