For those of you who sympathised at the recent demise of my Camcorder under the thread R.I.P. http://forums.murc.ws/ubb/Forum2/HTML/003024.html, please rejoice with me. Despite the extensive damage, Lazarus has risen from the dead and is now working as well as ever. The Swiss Panasonic importers, John Lay Electronics AG, at Littau, repaired all the damage and gave it a general 20 000 km service. Furthermore, I posted it to them last Friday and received it back just yesterday, just six days. That is what I call service. Great to know it still exists
Brian (the terrible)
For those of you who sympathised at the recent demise of my Camcorder under the thread R.I.P. http://forums.murc.ws/ubb/Forum2/HTML/003024.html, please rejoice with me. Despite the extensive damage, Lazarus has risen from the dead and is now working as well as ever. The Swiss Panasonic importers, John Lay Electronics AG, at Littau, repaired all the damage and gave it a general 20 000 km service. Furthermore, I posted it to them last Friday and received it back just yesterday, just six days. That is what I call service. Great to know it still exists
Brian (the terrible)