Let me start by saying that at the moment I am more happy with my Max/RRG than I have been since July... I am so very pleased with Matrox's continued efforts to get new drivers out. I tip my hat to them.
However, I know this is being very very picky of me... but is there anyway that you guys can add YUY2 support to the NT4 or Win2k (preferably Win2k) set of Video Tools?
As a software engineer, I know how some users can ask for the whole world on a silver platter because they have no idea how difficult some things are to program. But now I have complete and total faith in Matrox's Video Tools developers and I would just like to put in a formal request that this feature be added to the Win2k Video Tools drivers for RRG and Marvels.
Thank you very much for your time,
R. Garrett Bryant
1 very satisfied Matrox customer since the original Millennium
However, I know this is being very very picky of me... but is there anyway that you guys can add YUY2 support to the NT4 or Win2k (preferably Win2k) set of Video Tools?
As a software engineer, I know how some users can ask for the whole world on a silver platter because they have no idea how difficult some things are to program. But now I have complete and total faith in Matrox's Video Tools developers and I would just like to put in a formal request that this feature be added to the Win2k Video Tools drivers for RRG and Marvels.
Thank you very much for your time,
R. Garrett Bryant
1 very satisfied Matrox customer since the original Millennium