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Capture 48 Khz audio how?

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  • Capture 48 Khz audio how?

    I would like to capture my video with 48Khz audio sampling rate but i'm not able to do that. I changed my Sound Board with Diamond MX300 PCI(my previous was SB AWE64 max 44.1)wich support 48 Khz sample rate but with all acquiring programs i get 44.1 the max i can select. I found a way with AVI_IO, i modified the ini file to select the default 48 and after that is working fine, that means the MX300 board really support 48 sample.
    The question:
    is there a way to get the selection of 48 in all programs or is a limitation of the program?
    AVI_IO support that, but is not possible to select 48 from selection menu.

  • #2
    With Windows 98 (in WIN98_50.CAB I think) lies L3CODECA.ACM. Copy this to your Windows\System directory and then add this line into system.ini [drivers32] section

    This adds the Fraunhofer IIS MPEG Layer-3 Codec (professional) to your Multimedia Audio Compression Codecs and has the sideeffect of getting the ability of 48KHz on Sound cards that support it. This option is available to AVI_IO and sound recorder and almost everything else.

    It also gives you the 48KHz option even if your soundcard doesn't have it.

    If you don't have Windows 98 it is included in the "improved" version of MPEG-4 codec at


