I don't know guys and gals but there seems to be a huge amount of hype about MSP6 just now. Wonderful new front end etc etc. Err, Umm, seems very like the Premier 5.x front end to me.
Leaving the cosmetics aside I fired the thing on my trusty old machine to see how it faired compared to Premier 5.1c.
Now deep down it may have some very fancy gubbings, so that it can do X, Y and Z but what matters to me is how will it affect ME.
My setup is as follows
PIII 600, 320Mb Ram, FastTrack 66, 2 X Maxtor Diamondmax36 @ 36.5Gb each setup as Stripe, DC30 Plus. I generally caprure at 720X540X25fps at 5Mb/sec.
I have to say I was not hugely impressed with the experience. Now I've got to admit I got my copy from the Leech site so I don't know it it's missing any bits that would impact it's performance. It was very lethargic in responding to moving through a captured clip in the source window so I could set the mark in and mark out points, once I had found the points I had to click the apply button and then double click on the file in the production library to get it back into the source window to add the next segment of it.
As we say in Scotland, very futtery. With Premier I just double click on the file once in the production library and move throught the clip using the arrow keys and set the in and out points using the "i" and "o" keys and then press "," to insert that segment into the time line. For the next segment I just repeat the process from the "i" stage onwards.
The response from 5.1C to the arrow keys is instantaneous both backwards and forwards whilst scroling through the source clip. There are definate pauses whilst scroling through the source clip with MSP6.
One of the things I really like about MSP6 is the smart rendering capabilities as Premier can be a real pain in the arse at times as if you make one small change and want to create a seperate AVI file you have to render the whole dam thing again.
On the other hand, MIRO Instant Video is joy to use in Premier 5.x and it makes navigating about the timeline so sweet as the response is always instant.
What am I trying to say here. I guess what it boils down to is the old saying "If it 'aint broke, don't fix it."
Premier does just what I want it to do, how I want it to do it and at the speed I expect it to happen at. MSP6 just doesn't with my DC30plus.
Please dont't give me abuse for this post guys as there seems to be a huge number of avid ( no pun intended ) MSP users kicking about this forum. It is intended to give other DC30plus/Premier users an insight into my experiences.
The time now is 21.10 GMT here just outside Glasgow and I am due to fly off at 04.30 on the 1st of 3 flights to get myself and my good lady to Singapore and then Borneo where we are going to be having a look at the Old Man of the Forest in his natural habitat.
I get back in just over a week ( assuming the mosquitoes don't get me first ) and I would be interested to get your comments on my findings as stated above.
Best Wishes
[This message has been edited by Pooh (edited 24 February 2000).]
Leaving the cosmetics aside I fired the thing on my trusty old machine to see how it faired compared to Premier 5.1c.
Now deep down it may have some very fancy gubbings, so that it can do X, Y and Z but what matters to me is how will it affect ME.
My setup is as follows
PIII 600, 320Mb Ram, FastTrack 66, 2 X Maxtor Diamondmax36 @ 36.5Gb each setup as Stripe, DC30 Plus. I generally caprure at 720X540X25fps at 5Mb/sec.
I have to say I was not hugely impressed with the experience. Now I've got to admit I got my copy from the Leech site so I don't know it it's missing any bits that would impact it's performance. It was very lethargic in responding to moving through a captured clip in the source window so I could set the mark in and mark out points, once I had found the points I had to click the apply button and then double click on the file in the production library to get it back into the source window to add the next segment of it.
As we say in Scotland, very futtery. With Premier I just double click on the file once in the production library and move throught the clip using the arrow keys and set the in and out points using the "i" and "o" keys and then press "," to insert that segment into the time line. For the next segment I just repeat the process from the "i" stage onwards.
The response from 5.1C to the arrow keys is instantaneous both backwards and forwards whilst scroling through the source clip. There are definate pauses whilst scroling through the source clip with MSP6.
One of the things I really like about MSP6 is the smart rendering capabilities as Premier can be a real pain in the arse at times as if you make one small change and want to create a seperate AVI file you have to render the whole dam thing again.
On the other hand, MIRO Instant Video is joy to use in Premier 5.x and it makes navigating about the timeline so sweet as the response is always instant.
What am I trying to say here. I guess what it boils down to is the old saying "If it 'aint broke, don't fix it."
Premier does just what I want it to do, how I want it to do it and at the speed I expect it to happen at. MSP6 just doesn't with my DC30plus.
Please dont't give me abuse for this post guys as there seems to be a huge number of avid ( no pun intended ) MSP users kicking about this forum. It is intended to give other DC30plus/Premier users an insight into my experiences.
The time now is 21.10 GMT here just outside Glasgow and I am due to fly off at 04.30 on the 1st of 3 flights to get myself and my good lady to Singapore and then Borneo where we are going to be having a look at the Old Man of the Forest in his natural habitat.
I get back in just over a week ( assuming the mosquitoes don't get me first ) and I would be interested to get your comments on my findings as stated above.
Best Wishes
[This message has been edited by Pooh (edited 24 February 2000).]