What is that supposed to mean?
You accusing me of shilling for microsoft?
Them's fightin' words!
I've found a few of the 65K+ bugs, but so far none are showstoppers, and none have caused me even 0.01% of the grief of the Marvel bugs I've encountered over the past year.
We'll see if my opinion changes when I start playing with the Pyro. If Matrox releases W2K drivers and videotools for the G200 Marvel I'll praise 'em if they are good and pan 'em if they aren't.
What is that supposed to mean?
You accusing me of shilling for microsoft?
Them's fightin' words!
I've found a few of the 65K+ bugs, but so far none are showstoppers, and none have caused me even 0.01% of the grief of the Marvel bugs I've encountered over the past year.
We'll see if my opinion changes when I start playing with the Pyro. If Matrox releases W2K drivers and videotools for the G200 Marvel I'll praise 'em if they are good and pan 'em if they aren't.