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Will RT2000 work on my system?

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  • Will RT2000 work on my system?

    I am contemplating buying the RT2000 and I am curious what I would have to rearrange on my system to maximize performance. I currently have:
    Dell XPS R450 P II (440 BX AGP)
    128 MB Ram
    STB NVidea 16 MB AGP Card (would be scrapped)
    Hard Drive 1 - 17.2 GB Maxtor 5400 ATA33
    Hard Drive 2 - none presently
    DVD-ROM - Toshiba SD-M1202 with PCI Decoder Card
    CD-RW - HP 2x2x32
    Internal Modem
    I am thinking of getting a USB modem to free up an IRQ, and eliminating the DVD decoder card and implementing a software decoder. As far as the storage goes, I am leaning towards getting a 27 GB 7200 ATA66 for a dedicated video hard drive. I would like to get the ATA66 capability through use of the Promise Ultra66 PCI Card, but I am concerned that this will cause havoc with setup and potential IRQ problems. I only have 3 PCI slots, and a shared ISA/PCI slot. Also, is the DV500 more stable? Any suggestions on all this would be very helpful. Thanks!

  • #2
    I don't own the RT2000 but I took time to read up on it. I suggest you look at some of the past posts and click some of the links. You'll even run accross a motherboard compatability chart and lots of info on the card itself. Card sounds like a dream come true for those tired of amateur looking video. I know it is a package of two cards. Your limited PCI slots might be a prob. Anyway, happy reading and good luck.

